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Simulationen programmatisch debuggen

Debuggen und Analysieren von Simulationen im MATLAB®-Befehlsfenster, setzen von Haltepunkten, Zeitschritte und Block-Methoden durchlaufen

Die programmatische Schnittstelle Simulink®-Debugging bietet Debugging-Optionen im MATLAB-Befehlsfenster, die denjenigen ähnlich sind, die im Simulink Editor zur Verfügung stehen. Darüber hinaus können Sie die programmatische Schnittstelle benutzen, um:

  • Die Modellierung schrittweise Blockmethode für Blockmethode zu durchlaufen.

  • Haltepunkte bei Blockmethoden zu setzen.

  • Zusätzliche Haltepunkte für das Modell zu setzen, z.B. den Haltepunkt zum Zurücksetzen des Solvers.

  • Zusätzliche Informationen über das Modell anzuzeigen, einschließlich einer Liste der nicht-virtuellen Subsysteme.

Die Funktionen zur Steuerung der Datenanzeige und der Modellausführung in einer Simulations-Debugging-Sitzung sind erst verfügbar, nachdem Sie die Debugging-Sitzung gestartet haben.


alle erweitern

sldebugStart simulation debugging session for Simulink model
bafterInsert breakpoint after specified method in simulation debugging session
breakInsert breakpoint before specified method in simulation debugging session
clearClear breakpoint in simulation debugging session
continueContinue simulation debugging session
ebreakSet or clear breakpoint to pause when solver error occurs in simulation debugging session
emodeSwitch between accelerator and normal mode during simulation debugging session
nanbreakSet or clear breakpoint to pause when Inf or NaN value occurs in simulation debugging session
nextProgress simulation debugging session to start of next method in model execution list
quitEnd simulation debugging session
rbreakConfigure simulation debugging session to pause before solver reset
runRun simulation debugging session from current point to end of simulation, ignoring breakpoints
stepAdvance simulation by specified increment
stopStop simulation debugging session
tbreakSet or clear breakpoint that pauses simulation debugging session at specified time
xbreakSet or clear breakpoint to pause when state limits step size in simulation debugging session
zcbreakConfigure simulation debugging session to pause when nonsampled zero-crossing events occur
ashowIdentify and highlight algebraic loops in simulation debugging session
atraceConfigure simulation debugging session to display information each time algebraic loop is solved
bshowHighlight block in model with specified block ID during simulation debugging session
dispDisplay information about specified block when simulation debugging session pauses
elistDisplay execution order in simulation debugging session
etraceConfigure simulation debugging session to display information when entering and exiting methods
helpDisplay help for Simulink debugging programmatic interface during simulation debugging session
probeDisplay input, output, and state data for specified block in simulation debugging session
slistDisplay sorted list of blocks in model during simulation debugging session
statesDisplay state values during simulation debugging session
statusDisplay options used in current simulation debugging session
stimesDisplay information about sample times in model during simulation debugging session
straceDisplay solver information in simulation debugging session
systemsList nonvirtual subsystems in model or model hierarchy during simulation debugging session
traceDisplay information about specified block each time block executes in simulation debugging session
undispRemove display point in simulation debugging session
untraceRemove trace point in simulation debugging session
whereDisplay current location within simulation loop during simulation debugging session
zclistList blocks that detect zero crossings in simulation debugging session


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