Class: matlab.DiscreteEventSystem
Namespace: matlab
Create entity iterate event
creates an event to repeatedly process entities of a storage element. You can then
schedule this event by returning it as the output argument when implementing an event
action method, such as event
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Iterate Entities of a Storage Element
Define an event to iterate entities of a storage element..
function event = exit(obj,storage,entity,dst) % Define an event to iterate entities of a storage element % - The event is regarding to storage element 2 % - The event has a custom tag 'search' % - The event shall be executed at current simulation clock time % - The event has a priority of 10 (a smaller numeric value % indicates a higher event priority) event = obj.eventIterate(2, 'search', 10); end
Custom Entity Storage Block with Iterate Event
In this example, a custom block allows entities to enter its storage element
through its input port. The storage element is a priority queue that sorts the
entities based on their Diameter
attribute in ascending order.
Every entity entry to the block's storage invokes an iteration event to display the
diameter and the position of each entity in the storage.
For more information, see Create a Custom Entity Storage Block with Iteration Event.
classdef CustomEntityStorageBlockIteration < matlab.DiscreteEventSystem % A custom entity storage block with one input port and one storage element. % Nontunable properties properties (Nontunable) % Capacity Capacity = 5; end % Create the storage element with one input and one storage. methods (Access=protected) function num = getNumInputsImpl(obj) num = 1; end function num = getNumOutputsImpl(obj) num = 0; end function entityTypes = getEntityTypesImpl(obj) entityType1 = obj.entityType('Wheel'); entityTypes = entityType1; end function [inputTypes,outputTypes] = getEntityPortsImpl(obj) inputTypes = {'Wheel'}; outputTypes={}; end function [storageSpecs, I, O] = getEntityStorageImpl(obj) storageSpecs = obj.queuePriority('Wheel',obj.Capacity, 'Diameter','ascending'); I = 1; O = []; end end % Entity entry event action methods function [entity, event] = WheelEntry(obj,storage,entity, source) % Entity entry invokes an iterate event. event = obj.eventIterate(1, ''); end % The itarate event action function [entity,event,next] = WheelIterate(obj,storage,entity,tag,cur) % Display wheel id, position in the storage, and diameter. coder.extrinsic('fprintf'); fprintf('Wheel id %d, Current position %d, Diameter %d\n', ... entity.sys.id, cur.position, entity.data.Diameter); if cur.size == cur.position fprintf('End of Iteration \n') end next = true; event=[]; end end end
Version History
Introduced in R2016a