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Parametric Spectral Estimation

Burg, Yule-Walker, covariance, and modified covariance methods

Use parametric methods based on autoregressive models to estimate spectra.


alle erweitern

findpeaksFind local maxima
pburgAutoregressive power spectral density estimate — Burg’s method
pcovAutoregressive power spectral density estimate — covariance method
pmcovAutoregressive power spectral density estimate — modified covariance method
pyulearAutoregressive power spectral density estimate — Yule-Walker method
dbConvert energy or power measurements to decibels
db2magConvert decibels to magnitude
db2powConvert decibels to power
mag2dbConvert magnitude to decibels
pow2dbConvert power to decibels


  • Parametric Methods

    Learn about the Burg, Yule-Walker, covariance, and modified covariance methods of parametric spectral estimation.