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Insert ray from laser scan observation


insertRay(map,pose,scan,maxrange) inserts one or more lidar scan sensor observations in the occupancy grid, map, using the input lidarScan object, scan, to get ray endpoints. End point locations are updated with an occupied value. If the ranges are above maxrange, the ray endpoints are considered free space. All other points along the ray are treated as obstacle-free.


insertRay(map,pose,ranges,angles,maxrange) specifies the range readings as vectors defined by the input ranges and angles.

insertRay(map,startpt,endpoints) inserts observations between the line segments from the start point to the end points. The endpoints are updated are occupied space and other points along the line segments are updated as free space.


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Create an empty binary occupancy grid map.

map = binaryOccupancyMap(10,10,20);

Input pose of the vehicle, ranges, angles, and the maximum range of the laser scan.

pose = [5,5,0];
ranges = 3*ones(100,1);
angles = linspace(-pi/2,pi/2,100);
maxrange = 20;

Create a lidarScan object with the specified ranges and angles.

scan = lidarScan(ranges,angles);

Insert the laser scan data into the occupancy map.


Show the map to see the results of inserting the laser scan.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Binary Occupancy Grid, xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains an object of type image.

Check the occupancy of the spot directly in front of the vehicle.

getOccupancy(map,[8 5])
ans = logical

Input Arguments

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Map representation, specified as a binaryOccupancyMap object. This object represents the environment of the robot. The object contains a matrix grid with binary values indicating obstacles as true (1) and free locations as false (0).

Position and orientation of sensor, specified as an [x y theta] vector. The sensor pose is an x and y position with angular orientation theta (in radians) measured from the x-axis.

Lidar scan readings, specified as a lidarScan object.

Range values from scan data, specified as a vector of elements measured in meters. These range values are distances from a sensor at given angles. The vector must be the same length as the corresponding angles vector.

Angle values from scan data, specified as a vector of elements measured in radians. These angle values correspond to the given ranges. The vector must be the same length as the corresponding ranges vector.

Maximum range of laser range sensor, specified as a scalar in meters. Range values greater than or equal to maxrange are considered free along the whole length of the ray, up to maxrange.

Start point for rays, specified as a two-element vector, [x y], in the world coordinate frame. All rays are line segments that originate at this point.

Endpoints for rays, specified as an n-by-2 matrix of [x y] pairs in the world coordinate frame, where n is the length of ranges or angles. All rays are line segments that originate at startpt.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

See Also

(Navigation Toolbox) | |