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Read current rotational speed of DC Motor in closed loop control

Since R2020a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware add-on.


[speed] = readSpeed(pidObj) returns the current rotational speed of the DC motor in closed-loop control as read by the quadrature encoder connected to encoder channel number corresponding to PID motor number.


[speed,timestamp] = readSpeed(pidObj) returns the current rotational speed of the DC motor in closed-loop control as read by the quadrature encoder connected to encoder channel number corresponding to PID motor number, and the timestamp in datetime format.



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Create a connection to the Nano Motor Carrier board.

arduinoObj = arduino('/dev/ttyACM0','Nano33IoT','Libraries','MotorCarrier');
mcObj = motorCarrier(arduinoObj);

Create a connection to the PID Motor in speed control mode.

pidObj = pidMotor(mcObj,1,'speed');

Read the current rotational speed.

speed = readSpeed(pidObj);

Create a connection to the Nano Motor Carrier.

arduinoObj = arduino('/dev/ttyACM0','Nano33IoT','Libraries','MotorCarrier');
mcObj = motorCarrier(arduinoObj);

Create a connection to the PID Motor in speed control mode.

pidObj = pidMotor(mcObj,1,'speed');

Read the current rotational speed.

[speed,timestamp] = readSpeed(pidObj);

Input Arguments

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PID motor object connected to MKR Motor Carrier or Nano Motor Carrier specified as an object.

Output Arguments

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Current rotational speed in RPM of the DC Motor as read by the encoder, returned as a double.

Time at which MATLAB® reads speed data, specified as a datetime.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a