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Rename file on SFTP or FTP server


rename(s,oldname,newname) changes the name of the file oldname to newname in the current folder on the SFTP or FTP server associated with s.



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Connect to an FTP server and rename a file on the server. This example shows a hypothetical FTP session on, a machine that does not exist. If you have an account on an FTP server that grants you permission to upload or change files on that server, then you can use the rename function as shown in this example.

First, connect to the server.

s = ftp('')
FTP with properties:

                         Host: ""
                     Username: "anonymous"
                         Port: 21
                 ServerLocale: "en_GB"
                         Mode: "binary"
    LocalDataConnectionMethod: "passive"
       RemoteWorkingDirectory: "/"

Display the contents of the current folder on the FTP server.

myscript.m                  README.txt                pub    

Rename a file on the FTP server.


Display the updated contents on the FTP server, including the renamed file.

INTRO.txt                  myscript.m                pub

Input Arguments

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Connection to an SFTP or FTP server, specified as an SFTP object or an FTP object.

Original name of the file on the SFTP or FTP server, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

New name of the file on the SFTP or FTP server, specified as a character vector or string scalar.


  • The rename function only renames files on an SFTP or FTP server. To rename files on your local machine, use the movefile function.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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