I = raw2planar(cfa)
separates the channels of the Bayer pattern CFA image cfa into a
multidimensional image, I, with a channel for each individual sensor
Read a Color Filter Array (CFA) image into the workspace. The rawread function returns cfa, a 4012-by-6034 image.
cfa = rawread("colorCheckerTestImage.NEF");
Split the returned CFA image into several individual images, each representing a CFA sensor component. The CFA image has a Bayer pattern of RGGB. The raw2planar function returns 2206-by-3017-by-4 array representing each component of the RGGB pattern.
I — Image with channel for each sensor element (M/2)-by-(N/2)-by-4 numeric array
Image with a channel for each sensor element, returned as an
(M/2)-by-(N/2)-by-4 numeric array of the same
data type as cfa.
The order of the channels in the output image depends on the Bayer pattern of the
CFA: the order of the red, green, and blue sensors. The 2-by-2 grid of pixels in the
upper-left corner of the CFA image describes the channel order, from left-to-right,
top-to-bottom. I(:,:,1) corresponds to the sensor at
cfa(1,1), I(:,:,2) to the sensor at
cfa(1,2), I(:,:,3) to the sensor at
cfa(2,1), and I(:,:,4) to the sensor at
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