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Plot or return output power spectrum of time series model or disturbance spectrum of linear input/output model


Plot Results

spectrum(sys) plots the output power spectrum of an identified time series model sys or the disturbance spectrum of an identified input/output model sys. The function chooses the frequency range and number of points automatically.

  • If sys is a time series model, then sys represents the system:


    Here, e(t) is Gaussian white noise and y(t) is the observed output.

    spectrum plots |H'H|, scaled by the variance of e(t) and the sample time.

  • If sys is an input/output model, sys represents the system:


    Here, u(t) is the measured input, e(t) is Gaussian white noise, and y(t) is the observed output.

    In this case, spectrum plots the spectrum of the disturbance component He(t).

For discrete-time models with sample time Ts, spectrum uses the transformation z=ejωTs to map the unit circle to the real frequency axis. The function plots the spectrum only for frequencies smaller than the Nyquist frequency π/Ts, and uses the default value of 1 time unit when Ts is unspecified.


spectrum(sys,{wmin, wmax}) creates a spectrum plot for frequencies ranging from wmin to wmax.


spectrum(sys,w) creates a spectrum plot using the frequencies specified in the vector w.

spectrum(sys1,...,sysN,w) creates a spectrum plot of several identified models on a single plot. The w argument is optional.

You can specify a color, line style, and marker for each model. For example, spectrum(sys1,'r',sys2,'y--',sys3,'gx') uses red for sys1, yellow dash markers for sys2, and green x markers for sys3.


Return Results

ps = spectrum(sys,w) returns the power spectrum amplitude of sys for the specified frequencies w. This syntax does not plot the spectrum.

[ps,wout] = spectrum(sys) returns the frequency vector wout for which the output power spectrum is computed.

[ps,wout,sdps] = spectrum(sys) returns the estimated standard deviation of the power spectrum.


collapse all

Load the time-series estimation data.

load iddata9 z9

Estimate a fourth-order AR model using a least-squares approach.

sys = ar(z9,4,'ls');

Plot the output spectrum of the model.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title From: e@y1 To: y1, ylabel Power (dB) contains an object of type line. This object represents sys.

To change display options in the plot, right-click the plot to access the context menu. For example:

  • To view the confidence region for the simulated response, select Characteristics > Confidence Region.

  • To specify a number of standard deviations to plot, select Properties. Then, in the property editor, select the Options tab and specify the number of standard deviations in Number of standard deviations for display. The default value is 1 standard deviation.

Load the estimation data.

load iddata1 z1;

Estimate a single-input single-output state-space model.

sys = n4sid(z1,2);

Plot the noise spectrum for the model. Specify a frequency range from 0.1 to 50 rad/sec.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title From: e@y1 To: y1, ylabel Power (dB) contains an object of type line. This object represents sys.

The function plots the spectrum, but limits the frequency range to the Nyquist frequency of approximately 31.4 rad/s.

Create an input consisting of the sum of five sinusoids, each spread over the full frequency range. Compare the spectrum of this signal with that of its square.

Create a sum-of-sinusoids input that extends for 20 periods, with each period containing 100 samples. Specify that the signal combine 5 sinusoids of random phase, using 10 trials to find the set with the lowest signal spread. For more information on this step, see idinput.

u = idinput([100 1 20],'sine',[],[],[5 10 1]);

Create an input-only iddata object u that contains the input u and has a period of 100.

u = iddata([],u,1,'per',100);

Square the input values and store them in new iddata object u2.

u2 = u.u.^2;
u2 = iddata([],u2,1,'per',100);

Use etfe to estimate empirical transfer function models from u and u2. Plot the power spectra of these models together. Use different marker colors and types to distinguish the spectrum sources.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title From: e@u1 To: u1, ylabel Power (dB) contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent untitled1, untitled2.

The plot shows some frequency splitting where the u2-based spectrum does not line up with the u-based spectrum, but instead contains two spectral points that flank certain u-based points. This splitting indicates the nonlinearity of the squared system.

Input Arguments

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Identified model, specified as an idpoly object, an idproc object, an idss object, or an idtf object.

  • If sys is a time series model, then sys represents the system:


    Here, e(t) is Gaussian white noise and y(t) is the observed output.

  • If sys is an input/output model, then sys represents the system:


    Here, u(t) is the measured input, e(t) is Gaussian white noise, and y(t) is the observed output.

Minimum frequency of the frequency range for which to plot the spectrum, specified as a positive number.

Specify wmin in rad/TimeUnit, where TimeUnit is sys.TimeUnit.

For an example of specifying wmin, see Plot Noise Spectrum of SISO Linear Identified Model.

Maximum frequency of the frequency range for which to plot the spectrum, specified as a positive number. By default, the function uses the Nyquist frequency of sys as wmax.

Specify wmax in rad/TimeUnit, where TimeUnit is sys.TimeUnit. If you specify wmax to be greater than the Nyquist frequency, then spectrum uses the Nyquist frequency instead.

For an example of specifying wmax, see Plot Noise Spectrum of SISO Linear Identified Model.

Frequencies for which to plot the spectrum, specified as a vector of positive numbers.

Specify w in rad/TimeUnit, where TimeUnit is sys.TimeUnit.

Output Arguments

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Power spectrum amplitude, returned as a numeric vector or a numeric array.

  • For single-output models, ps is a 1-by-1- Nw array, where Nw is the length of the frequency vector.

  • For multiple-output models, ps is an Ny-by-Ny-by-Nw array, where Ny is the number of outputs. ps(:,:,k) corresponds to the power spectrum for the frequency at w(k).

For amplitude values in dB, type psdb = 10*log10(ps).

Frequencies for which the spectrum is plotted, returned as a numeric vector in units of rad/TimeUnit, where TimeUnit is sys.TimeUnit. If you supply w as an input argument, the function returns the identical vector in wout.

Estimated standard deviation of the power spectrum, returned as an array with the same dimensions as ps.

Version History

Introduced in R2012a

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