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Supported Verilog Constructs for HDL Import

Use importhdl function to import synthesizable Verilog® code into the Simulink® modeling environment. Make sure that the constructs used in the HDL code are supported by HDL import.

These tables list the supported Verilog constructs that you can use when you import your HDL code. If you use an unsupported construct, HDL import generates an error when parsing the input HDL file. Verilog HDL import can sometimes ignore the presence of certain constructs in the HDL code. To learn more, see the Comments section of the table.

Module Definition and Instantiations

Verilog ConstructsSupported?Comments
Library declarationNo
Configuration declarationNo
Module declarationYesMultiple sample rates and multiple clock inputs are not supported.
Module parameter port listYes
Port declarationsYesINOUT ports are not supported.
Module without portsNo
Local parameter declarationYes
Parameter declarationYesYou can use parameters and constants that have a maximum size of 64 bits. By default, the parameter size is 32 bits.
Module instantiationYes
  • Unconnected ports in the instantiated modules are removed when importing the Verilog code.

  • Recursive module instantiation is not supported.

    Instead, if your top module instantiates modules that are defined in recursive subfolders, importhdl parses all Verilog files. For example, in this figure, importhdl can parse both DFF_Instantiation.v and TFF_Instantiation.v that are instantiated in DFF.v.

    Folder structure containing subfolders.

Data Types and Vectors

Verilog ConstructsSupported?Comments
Net declaration (Wire, Supply0, Supply1)Yes
Real declarationNo
String declarationNo
Vector declarationYes
Array support and array indexingYes
Reg declarationYes
Integer declarationYes

Identifiers and Comments

Verilog ConstructsSupported?Comments
Lexical tokens (Whitespace, operator, comment)Yes
Identifiers (Simple, Escaped)Yes
System Functions ($signed, $unsigned)Yes
Attribute instancesNoHDL import ignores these constructs.
CommentsNoHDL import ignores these constructs.
Numbers (Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, and Octal)Yes
Compiler directives (`define,`undef, `ifndef, `else if)Yes


Verilog ConstructsSupported?Comments
Continuous assignmentYes
Blocking assignmentYes--
Nonblocking assignmentYes
Procedural assignment (Always block)Yes


Verilog ConstructsSupported?Comments
Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, **, /, <<<, >>>)Yes
Logical operators (<<, >>, !, &&, | |, ==, !=)Yes
Relational operators (>, <, >=, <=, ==, !=) Yes
Bitwise operators (~, &, |, ^, ~^, ^~)Yes
Unary operators (+, -)YesSupported for restricted data types
Power operatorsYesSupported for restricted data types
Conditional operators (?:)Yes
Bit SelectYes
Reduction operators (&, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^, or ^~)Yes

For an example that illustrates how to use different operators, see Generate Simulink Model from Verilog Code for Various Operators.

Conditional and Looping Statements

Verilog ConstructsSupported?Comments
If-else statementYes
Conditional operators (?:)Yes
For loopYes
Loop Generate constructYesSupports loop generate constructs such as for-generate, case-generate, and if-generate constructs.
Conditional Generate constructNo
Generate regionNo
Genvar declarationNo
Case statementYescasex and casez statements are also supported.

Procedural Blocks and Events

Verilog ConstructsSupported?Comments
Task declarationNo
Initial construct (ROM modeling)No
Sequential blocksYes
Block declarationsYes
Event control statementsYes
Function callsYesHDL import does not support recursive function calls.
Task enableNo
Always constructYes
Function declarationYes

Other Constructs

Verilog ConstructsSupported?Comments
Gate instantiationNo
Specify blockNo
Semantic verification (unused ports, correct module instantiation)Yes
Clock bundle identificationYesMultiple sample rates and multiple clock signals are not supported.
Register inferenceYes
Compare to Constant block inferenceYes
Gain block inferenceYes
RAM inferenceYes
ROM inferenceNo
Counter inferenceNo
Drive strengthNo

Limitations and Considerations

Verilog import does not support:

  • Importing of Verilog files from a read-only folder.

  • Generation of the preprocessing files in a read-only file system that parses the HDL code you input to the importhdl function.

  • Attribute instances and comments, which are ignored.

  • (#)delay values, such as #25, which are ignored.

  • Enumeration data types.

  • More than one clock signal.

  • Modules that are multirate.

  • Recursive module instantiation.

  • Multiport Switch inference with more than 1024 inputs. If you specify more than 1024 inputs to a Multiport Switch block that gets inferred from the Verilog code, Verilog import generates an error. The error is generated because the Simulink modeling environment does not support more than 1024 inputs for the block.

  • ROM detection from the Verilog code.

  • Importing of HDL files that use unsupported dataflow modeling patterns. See Unsupported Verilog Dataflow Patterns.

See Also


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