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hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig Class

Namespace: hdlcoder

Configure HDL code generation and deployment workflows


Use the hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig object to set HDL workflow options for the hdlcoder.runWorkflow function. You can customize the hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig object for these workflows:

  • Generic ASIC/FPGA

  • FPGA-in-the-Loop (requires HDL Verifier™)

  • IP Core Generation

  • Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O (requires Simulink® Real-Time™)

A best practice is to use the HDL Workflow Advisor to configure the workflow, and then export a workflow script. The commands in the workflow script create and configure the hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig object. See Run HDL Workflow with a Script.

HDL Workflow Advisor is not available in Simulink Online™.


hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig(Name=Value) creates a workflow configuration object for you to specify your HDL code generation and deployment workflows, with additional options specified by one or more Name=Value arguments.

Input Arguments

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Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Name of the synthesis tool, specified as a character vector.

Example: hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig(SynthesisTool = 'Altera QUARTUS II') creates a workflow configuration object with 'Altera QUARTUS II' as the synthesis tool and 'Generic ASIC/FPGA' as the target workflow.

Target workflow for HDL code generation, specified as a character vector.

Example: hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig(TargetWorkflow = 'IP Core Generation') creates a workflow configuration object with 'Xilinx Vivado' as the synthesis tool and 'IP Core Generation' as the target workflow.


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Generic ASIC/FPGA Workflow

Path to the folder where your generated project files are saved, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'project_file_folder'

High-level synthesis tool objective, specified as one of these values.

hdlcoder.Objective.None (default)Do not generate additional Tcl commands.
hdlcoder.Objective.SpeedOptimizedGenerate synthesis tool Tcl commands to optimize for speed.
hdlcoder.Objective.AreaOptimizedGenerate synthesis tool Tcl commands to optimize for area.
hdlcoder.Objective.CompileOptimizedGenerate synthesis tool Tcl commands to optimize for compilation time.

If your synthesis tool is Xilinx® ISE and your target workflow is Generic ASIC/FPGA, set the Objective to hdlcoder.Objective.None.

For the tool-specific Tcl commands that are added to the synthesis project creation Tcl script, see Synthesis Objective to Tcl Command Mapping.

Enable or disable workflow task to generate code and test bench, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and Testbench task.

Enable or disable task to verify the generated code with HDL cosimulation, specified as a logical. This option takes effect only when GenerateCosimulationModel is true.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Verify with HDL Cosimulation task.

Enable or disable task to create a synthesis tool project, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Create Project task.

Enable or disable task to launch the synthesis tool and run logic synthesis, specified as a logical. This task is available only when your synthesis tool is Xilinx ISE or Altera® Quartus II.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Logic Synthesis task.

Enable or disable task to map the synthesized logic to the target device, specified as a logical. This task is available only when your synthesis tool is Xilinx ISE or Altera Quartus II.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Mapping task.

Enable or disable task to run the place and route process, specified as a logical. This task is available only when your synthesis tool is Xilinx ISE or Altera Quartus II.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Place and Route task.

Enable or disable task to launch Xilinx Vivado and run synthesis, specified as a logical. This task is available only when your synthesis tool is Xilinx Vivado.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Run Synthesis task.

Enable or disable task to launch Xilinx Vivado and run the implementation step, specified as a logical. This task is available only when your synthesis tool is Xilinx Vivado.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Run Implementation task.

Enable or disable task to analyze pre- or post-routing timing information and highlight critical paths in your model, specified as a logical. This task is available only when the target workflow is Generic ASIC/FPGA.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task.

Option to generate HDL code in the target language, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and Testbench task.

Option to generate an HDL test bench in the target language, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and Testbench task.

Generate a validation model, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and Testbench task.

Additional project creation Tcl files that you want to include in your synthesis project, specified as a character vector.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Create Project task.

Example: 'L:\file1.tcl;L:\file2.tcl;'

Skip pre-route timing analysis, specified as a logical. If your tool does not support early timing estimation, set to true.

When you enable this option, CriticalPathSource is set to 'post-route'

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Mapping task.

Ignore place and route errors, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Place and route task.

Critical path source, specified as a character vector.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Mapping task.

Number of critical paths to annotate, specified as a positive integer from 1 to 3.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task.

Select the model that you want to annotate, specified as a character vector. You can perform the annotation on the original as well as generated model.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task.

Show all critical paths, including duplicate paths, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task.

Annotate the cumulative timing delay on each critical path, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task.

Show only the first instance of a critical path that is duplicated, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task.

Allows you to use an unsupported synthesis tool version in the HDL Workflow Advisor, specified as a logical. You can set this parameter to true if you want to continue creating the project with the unsupported tool version. By default, HDL Coder™ generates an error if an unsupported tool version is detected. If you set this parameter to true, HDL Coder generates a warning instead. When you are using the supported synthesis tool version, this parameter value is ignored. You do not have to specify the parameter value in an HDL workflow script.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is in the HDL Workflow Advisor > Set Target > Set Target Device and Synthesis Tool task.

Show the endpoints of each critical path, omitting connecting signal lines, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task.


Path to the folder where your generated project files are saved, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'project_file_folder'

Enable or disable workflow task to generate code and test bench, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and Testbench task.

Enable or disable task to verify the generated code with HDL cosimulation, specified as a logical. This option takes effect only when GenerateCosimulationModel is true.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Verify with HDL Cosimulation task.

Enable or disable task to generate a model that contains a FIL block and a testbench around the FIL block specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA-in-the-Loop Implementation > Build FPGA-in-the-Loop task.

Option to generate HDL code in the target language, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and Testbench task.

Option to generate an HDL test bench in the target language, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and Testbench task.

Generate a validation model, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and Testbench task.

IP address of the FPGA board, specified as a character vector. Default address is ''.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA-in-the-Loop Implementation > Set FPGA-in-the-Loop Options task.

MAC address of the FPGA board, specified as a character vector, for example '00-0A-35-02-21-8A'. In most cases, you do not have to change the Board MAC address. If you want to connect more than one FPGA board to a single computer, specify a unique MAC address for each additional board.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA-in-the-Loop Implementation > Set FPGA-in-the-Loop Options task.

Additional source files for the HDL design that you want to verify on the FPGA board, specified as a character vector.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA-in-the-Loop Implementation > Set FPGA-in-the-Loop Options task.

Ethernet or JTAG connection type to the FPGA development board, specified as a character vector.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA-in-the-Loop Implementation > Set FPGA-in-the-Loop Options task.

Option to run build process in parallel with MATLAB®, specified as a logical. If this option is disabled, you cannot use MATLAB until the build is finished.

Allows you to use an unsupported synthesis tool version in the HDL Workflow Advisor, specified as a logical. You can set this parameter to true if you want to continue creating the project with the unsupported tool version. By default, HDL Coder generates an error if an unsupported tool version is detected. If you set this parameter to true, HDL Coder generates a warning instead. When you are using the supported synthesis tool version, this parameter value is ignored. You do not have to specify the parameter value in an HDL workflow script.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is in the HDL Workflow Advisor > Set Target > Set Target Device and Synthesis Tool task.

IP Core Generation Workflow

Path to the folder where your generated project files are saved, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'project_file_folder'

Current reference design tool version, specified as a character vector, for example '2017.4'. By default, the code generator selects a reference design tool version that is compatible with the current supported tool version. It is change this default reference design tool version, HDL Coder generates an error.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this setting is in the HDL Workflow Advisor > Set Target > Set Target Reference Design task.

Whether you want the code generator to ignore a mismatch between the reference design tool version and the supported tool version, specified as a logical.By default, if there is a tool version mismatch, HDL Coder generates an error. If you set this option to true, HDL Coder generates a warning instead.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this setting is in the HDL Workflow Advisor > Set Target > Set Target Reference Design task.

Enable or disable workflow task to generate code and IP core for embedded system, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and IP Core task.

Allows you to use an unsupported synthesis tool version in the HDL Workflow Advisor, specified as a logical. You can set this parameter to true if you want to continue creating the project with the unsupported tool version. By default, HDL Coder generates an error if an unsupported tool version is detected. If you set this parameter to true, HDL Coder generates a warning instead. When you are using the supported synthesis tool version, this parameter value is ignored. You do not have to specify the parameter value in an HDL workflow script.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is in the HDL Workflow Advisor > Set Target > Set Target Device and Synthesis Tool task.

Enable or disable workflow task to create an embedded system tool project, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > Embedded System Integration > Create Project task.

Enable or disable workflow task to generate a Simulink software interface model with the IP core driver blocks for embedded C code generation, specified as a logical. In this task, you can also verify the IP core functionality and connect to the onboard memory locations by generating a host interface model, host interface script, or both with the AXI Manager driver.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > Embedded System Integration > Generate Software Interface task.

Specify whether to generate a Simulink software interface model for an SoC device, specified as a logical. The software interface model is your original model with the AXI driver blocks replacing the parts you want to run on hardware. To use this property, you must set the RunTaskGenerateSoftwareInterface task to true. This property is not available for standalone FPGA boards.

After you generate the Simulink software interface model, you can generate C code from it by using Embedded Coder®. If you do not have the Embedded Coder hardware support package for the target board installed, this property is not available. For example, if the target hardware board is a Zynq device, you must have the Embedded Coder Support Package for AMD SoC Devices installed.

Specify the operating system for embedded processor, specified as a character vector. The operating system is board-specific. To use this property, you must set the RunTaskGenerateSoftwareInterface task to true.

Specify an interface that communicates between your host machine and the target hardware. Use one of these options.

  • 'JTAG AXI Manager (HDL Verifier)' — Use the JTAG interface to access AXI4 and AXI4-Lite registers on the target hardware. To enable this option, set 'HDLVerifierAXI' reference design parameter to 'JTAG' and map each DUT signal that you want to capture to the AXI4 or AXI4-Lite interface.

  • 'Ethernet AXI Manager (HDL Verifier)' — Use the Ethernet interface to access AXI4 and AXI4-Lite registers on the target hardware. To enable this option, set 'HDLVerifierAXI' reference design parameter to 'Ethernet' and map each DUT signal that you want to capture to the AXI4 or AXI4-Lite interface.

  • 'Ethernet' — Use the Ethernet interface to access the generated IP core deployed on your target hardware. This option is not available for standalone FPGA boards.

To use this property, you must set the RunTaskGenerateSoftwareInterface task to true.

Specify whether to generate a host interface model, specified as a logical. The host interface model enables you to write to or read from the memory-mapped locations on the target hardware over a JTAG or Ethernet cable by using the AXI Manager Write and AXI Manager Read blocks. To use this property, you must set the RunTaskGenerateSoftwareInterface task to true.

To enable this property, specify HostTargetInterface as 'JTAG AXI Manager (HDL Verifier)' or 'Ethernet AXI Manager (HDL Verifier)'.

Specify whether to generate a host interface script, specified as a logical. The host interface script contains commands that enable you to connect to the target hardware and to write to or read from the generated IP core by using the AXI driver blocks or the AXI Manager. To use this property, you must set the RunTaskGenerateSoftwareInterface task to true.

Enable or disable workflow task to generate a bitstream for the embedded system, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > Embedded System Integration > Build FPGA Bitstream task.

Enable or disable workflow task to program the connected target device, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > Embedded System Integration > Program Target Device task.

Option to generate HTML documentation for the IP core, specified as a logical. For details, see Custom IP Core Report.

High-level synthesis tool objective, specified as one of these values.

hdlcoder.Objective.None (default)Do not generate additional Tcl commands.
hdlcoder.Objective.SpeedOptimizedGenerate synthesis tool Tcl commands to optimize for speed.
hdlcoder.Objective.AreaOptimizedGenerate synthesis tool Tcl commands to optimize for area.
hdlcoder.Objective.CompileOptimizedGenerate synthesis tool Tcl commands to optimize for compilation time.

If your synthesis tool is Xilinx ISE and your target workflow is Generic ASIC/FPGA, set the Objective to hdlcoder.Objective.None.

For the tool-specific Tcl commands that are added to the synthesis project creation Tcl script, see Synthesis Objective to Tcl Command Mapping.

Enable or disable IP caching, specified as a logical. When you enable IP caching, the code generator creates an IP cache. The IP Core Generation workflow uses an out-of-context (OOC) workflow. This workflow synthesizes the IP in the reference design out of context from the top-level design. You can reuse this cache in subsequent project runs, which reduces reference design synthesis time. To learn more, see IP Caching for Faster Reference Design Synthesis.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, you can specify this setting in the Create Project task.

Operating system for embedded processor, specified as a character vector. The operating system is board-specific.

Option to insert the IP core node into the operating system device tree on the SD card on your board, specified as a logical. This option also restarts the operating system and adds the IP core driver as a loadable kernel module.

To use this option, your board must be connected.

Option to run build process in parallel with MATLAB, specified as a logical. If this option is disabled, you cannot use MATLAB until the build is finished.

Option to expedite bitstream build process by using a routed design checkpoint file from a previous build. specified as a logical. If this option is not selected, you cannot use DefaultCheckpointFile.

Example: hWC.EnableDesignCheckPoint = true;

Option to specify whether to use the default checkpoint file location or use a custom checkpoint file.

Example: hWC.DefaultCheckPointFile = 'Custom'

Option to specify the path to the custom routed design checkpoint file. If DefaultCheckpointFile is set to Default, you cannot specify a custom path.

Example: hWC.RoutedDesignCheckFilePath = 'c:\example_project\checkpoint\example_file.dcp'

Option to expedite the bitstream build process by using specified number of PC cores during bitstream build. If you set the option to 'synthesis tool default', the number of cores specified in the synthesis tool will be used during the bitstream build.

Example: hWC.MaxNumOfCoresForBuild = '12';

Select whether to report timing failures when generating the FPGA bitstream, specified as one of these values:

hdlcoder.ReportTimingFailure.Error (default)Report timing failures as errors by default.
hdlcoder.ReportTimingFailure.WarningReport timing failures as errors instead of warnings. Use this option if you have implemented the custom logic to resolve timing violations in your design.

Select whether to use a custom or default synthesis tool build script, specified as one of these values:

hdlcoder.BuildOption.Default (default)Use the default build script.
hdlcoder.BuildOption.CustomUse a custom build script instead of the default build script.

Full path to a custom synthesis tool build Tcl script file, specified as a character vector. The contents of your custom Tcl file are inserted between the Tcl commands that open and close the project. If TclFileForSynthesisBuild is set to hdlcoder.BuildOption.Custom, you must specify a file.

If you want to generate a bitstream, the bitstream generation Tcl command must refer to the top file wrapper name and location either directly or implicitly. For example, this Xilinx Vivado Tcl command generates a bitstream and implicitly refers to the top file name and location:

launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream

Example: 'C:\Temp\work\build.tcl'

Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O

Path to the folder where your generated project files are saved, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'project_file_folder'

Current reference design tool version, specified as a character vector, for example '2017.4'. By default, the code generator selects a reference design tool version that is compatible with the current supported tool version. It is change this default reference design tool version, HDL Coder generates an error.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this setting is in the HDL Workflow Advisor > Set Target > Set Target Reference Design task.

Whether you want the code generator to ignore a mismatch between the reference design tool version and the supported tool version, specified as a logical.By default, if there is a tool version mismatch, HDL Coder generates an error. If you set this option to true, HDL Coder generates a warning instead.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this setting is in the HDL Workflow Advisor > Set Target > Set Target Reference Design task.

Enable or disable workflow task to generate code and IP core for embedded system, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code and IP Core task.

Allows you to use an unsupported synthesis tool version in the HDL Workflow Advisor, specified as a logical. You can set this parameter to true if you want to continue creating the project with the unsupported tool version. By default, HDL Coder generates an error if an unsupported tool version is detected. If you set this parameter to true, HDL Coder generates a warning instead. When you are using the supported synthesis tool version, this parameter value is ignored. You do not have to specify the parameter value in an HDL workflow script.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is in the HDL Workflow Advisor > Set Target > Set Target Device and Synthesis Tool task.

Enable or disable workflow task to generate RTL code and an HDL top-level wrapper, specified as a logical. When enabled, this task also generates a constraint file that contains pin mapping information and clock constraints.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation > Generate RTL Code task.

Enable or disable workflow task to create an embedded system tool project, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > Embedded System Integration > Create Project task.

Enable or disable task to launch the synthesis tool and run logic synthesis, specified as a logical. This task is available only when your synthesis tool is Xilinx ISE or Altera Quartus II.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Logic Synthesis task.

Enable or disable task to map the synthesized logic to the target device, specified as a logical. This task is available only when your synthesis tool is Xilinx ISE or Altera Quartus II.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Mapping task.

Enable or disable task to run the place and route process, specified as a logical. This task is available only when your synthesis tool is Xilinx ISE or Altera Quartus II.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Place and Route task.

Enable or disable task to generate an FPGA programming file, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > Download to Target > Generate Programming File task.

Enable or disable task to generate a Simulink Real-Time model that contains an interface subsystem, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > Download to Target > Generate Simulink Real-Time Interface task.

High-level synthesis tool objective, specified as one of these values.

hdlcoder.Objective.None (default)Do not generate additional Tcl commands.
hdlcoder.Objective.SpeedOptimizedGenerate synthesis tool Tcl commands to optimize for speed.
hdlcoder.Objective.AreaOptimizedGenerate synthesis tool Tcl commands to optimize for area.
hdlcoder.Objective.CompileOptimizedGenerate synthesis tool Tcl commands to optimize for compilation time.

If your synthesis tool is Xilinx ISE and your target workflow is Generic ASIC/FPGA, set the Objective to hdlcoder.Objective.None.

For the tool-specific Tcl commands that are added to the synthesis project creation Tcl script, see Synthesis Objective to Tcl Command Mapping.

Additional project creation Tcl files that you want to include in your synthesis project, specified as a character vector.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Create Project task.

Example: 'L:\file1.tcl;L:\file2.tcl;'

Skip pre-route timing analysis, specified as a logical. If your tool does not support early timing estimation, set to true.

When you enable this option, CriticalPathSource is set to 'post-route'

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Mapping task.

Ignore place and route errors, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this option is part of the HDL Workflow Advisor > FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Perform Synthesis and P/R > Perform Place and route task.

Enable or disable workflow task to generate a bitstream for the embedded system, specified as a logical.

In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this task is the HDL Workflow Advisor > Embedded System Integration > Build FPGA Bitstream task.

Option to expedite bitstream build process by using a routed design checkpoint file from a previous build. specified as a logical. If this option is not selected, you cannot use DefaultCheckpointFile.

Example: hWC.EnableDesignCheckPoint = true;

Option to specify whether to use the default checkpoint file location or use a custom checkpoint file.

Example: hWC.DefaultCheckPointFile = 'Custom'

Option to specify the path to the custom routed design checkpoint file. If DefaultCheckpointFile is set to Default, you cannot specify a custom path.

Example: hWC.RoutedDesignCheckFilePath = 'c:\example_project\checkpoint\example_file.dcp'

Option to expedite the bitstream build process by using specified number of PC cores during bitstream build. If you set the option to 'synthesis tool default', the number of cores specified in the synthesis tool will be used during the bitstream build.

Example: hWC.MaxNumOfCoresForBuild = '12';

Select whether to report timing failures when generating the FPGA bitstream, specified as one of these values:

hdlcoder.ReportTimingFailure.Error (default)Report timing failures as errors by default.
hdlcoder.ReportTimingFailure.WarningReport timing failures as errors instead of warnings. Use this option if you have implemented the custom logic to resolve timing violations in your design.


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This example shows how to configure and run an exported HDL workflow script.

To generate an HDL workflow script, configure and run the HDL Workflow Advisor with your Simulink design, then export the script.

This script is a generic ASIC/FPGA workflow script that targets a Xilinx Virtex® 7 device and uses the Xilinx Vivado synthesis tool.

Open and view your exported HDL workflow script.

% Export Workflow Configuration Script
% Generated with MATLAB 9.5 (R2018b Prerelease) at 14:42:37 on 29/03/2018
% This script was generated using the following parameter values:
%     Filename  : 'S:\generic_workflow_example.m'
%     Overwrite : true
%     Comments  : true
%     Headers   : true
%     DUT       : 'sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir'
% To view changes after modifying the workflow, run the following command:
% >> hWC.export('DUT','sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir');

%% Load the Model

%% Restore the Model to default HDL parameters

%% Model HDL Parameters
%% Set Model 'sfir_fixed' HDL parameters
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'GenerateCoSimModel', 'ModelSim');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'GenerateHDLTestBench', 'off');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'HDLSubsystem', 'sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisTool', 'Xilinx Vivado');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolChipFamily', 'Virtex7');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolDeviceName', 'xc7vx485t');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolPackageName', 'ffg1761');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolSpeedValue', '-2');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetDirectory', 'hdl_prj\hdlsrc');

%% Workflow Configuration Settings
% Construct the Workflow Configuration Object with default settings
hWC = hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig('SynthesisTool','Xilinx Vivado','TargetWorkflow','Generic ASIC/FPGA');

% Specify the top level project directory
hWC.ProjectFolder = 'hdl_prj';

%Set Properties related to synthesis tool version
hWC.AllowUnsupportedToolVersion  = true;

% Set Workflow tasks to run
hWC.RunTaskGenerateRTLCodeAndTestbench = true;
hWC.RunTaskVerifyWithHDLCosimulation = true;
hWC.RunTaskCreateProject = true;
hWC.RunTaskRunSynthesis = true;
hWC.RunTaskRunImplementation = false;
hWC.RunTaskAnnotateModelWithSynthesisResult = true;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskGenerateRTLCodeAndTestbench' Task
hWC.GenerateRTLCode = true;
hWC.GenerateTestbench = false;
hWC.GenerateValidationModel = false;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskCreateProject' Task
hWC.Objective = hdlcoder.Objective.None;
hWC.AdditionalProjectCreationTclFiles = '';

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskRunSynthesis' Task
hWC.SkipPreRouteTimingAnalysis = false;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskRunImplementation' Task
hWC.IgnorePlaceAndRouteErrors = false;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskAnnotateModelWithSynthesisResult' Task
hWC.CriticalPathSource = 'pre-route';
hWC.CriticalPathNumber =  1;
hWC.AnnotateModel = 'original';
hWC.ShowAllPaths = false;
hWC.ShowDelayData = true;
hWC.ShowUniquePaths = false;
hWC.ShowEndsOnly = false;

% Validate the Workflow Configuration Object

%% Run the workflow
hdlcoder.runWorkflow('sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir', hWC);

Optionally, edit the script.

For example, enable or disable tasks in the hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig object, hWC.

Run the HDL workflow script.

For example, if the script file name is generic_workflow_example.m, at the command line, enter:


This example shows how to configure and run an exported HDL workflow script.

To generate an HDL workflow script, configure and run the HDL Workflow Advisor with your Simulink design, then export the script.

This script is an FPGA-in-the-Loop workflow script that targets a Xilinx Virtex 5 development board and uses the Xilinx ISE synthesis tool.

Open and view your exported HDL workflow script.

% HDL Workflow Script
% Generated with MATLAB 9.5 (R2018b Prerelease) at 15:11:23 on 04/05/2018
% This script was generated using the following parameter values:
%     Filename  : 'C:\Users\ggnanase\Desktop\R2018b\18b_models\ipcore_timing_failure\hdlworkflow_FIL.m'
%     Overwrite : true
%     Comments  : true
%     Headers   : true
%     DUT       : 'sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir'
% To view changes after modifying the workflow, run the following command:
% >> hWC.export('DUT','sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir');

%% Load the Model

%% Restore the Model to default HDL parameters

%% Model HDL Parameters
%% Set Model 'sfir_fixed' HDL parameters
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'HDLSubsystem', 'sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisTool', 'Xilinx Vivado');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolChipFamily', 'Kintex7');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolDeviceName', 'xc7k325t');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolPackageName', 'ffg900');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolSpeedValue', '-2');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetDirectory', 'hdl_prj\hdlsrc');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetFrequency', 25);
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetPlatform', 'Xilinx Kintex-7 KC705 development board');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'Workflow', 'FPGA-in-the-Loop');

%% Workflow Configuration Settings
% Construct the Workflow Configuration Object with default settings
hWC = hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig('SynthesisTool','Xilinx Vivado','TargetWorkflow','FPGA-in-the-Loop');

% Specify the top level project directory
hWC.ProjectFolder = 'hdl_prj';

%Set Properties related to synthesis tool version
hWC.AllowUnsupportedToolVersion  = true;

% Set Workflow tasks to run
hWC.RunTaskGenerateRTLCodeAndTestbench = true;
hWC.RunTaskVerifyWithHDLCosimulation = false;
hWC.RunTaskBuildFPGAInTheLoop = true;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskGenerateRTLCodeAndTestbench' Task
hWC.GenerateRTLCode = true;
hWC.GenerateTestbench = false;
hWC.GenerateValidationModel = false;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskBuildFPGAInTheLoop' Task
hWC.IPAddress = '';
hWC.MACAddress = '00-0A-35-02-21-8A';
hWC.SourceFiles = '';
hWC.Connection = 'Ethernet';
hWC.RunExternalBuild = true;

% Validate the Workflow Configuration Object

%% Run the workflow
hdlcoder.runWorkflow('sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir', hWC);
hdlcoder.runWorkflow('hdlcoderUARTServoControllerExample/UART_Servo_on_FPGA', hWC);

Optionally, edit the script.

For example, enable or disable tasks in the hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig object, hWC.

Run the HDL workflow script.

For example, if the script file name is FIL_workflow_example.m, at the command line, enter:


This example shows how to configure and run an exported HDL workflow script.

To generate an HDL workflow script, configure and run the HDL Workflow Advisor with your Simulink design, then export the script.

This script is an IP core generation workflow script that targets the Altera Cyclone V SoC development kit and uses the Altera Quartus II synthesis tool.

Open and view your exported HDL workflow script.

% Export Workflow Configuration Script
% Generated with MATLAB 8.6 (R2015b) at 14:42:16 on 08/07/2015
% Parameter Values:
%     Filename  : 'S:\ip_core_gen_workflow_example.m'
%     Overwrite : true
%     Comments  : true
%     Headers   : true
%     DUT       : 'hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter'

%% Load the Model

%% Model HDL Parameters
% Set Model HDL parameters
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', ...
    'HDLSubsystem', 'hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', 'OptimizationReport', 'on');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', ...
    'ReferenceDesign', 'Default system (Qsys 14.0)');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', 'ResetType', 'Synchronous');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', 'ResourceReport', 'on');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', 'SynthesisTool', 'Altera QUARTUS II');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', 'SynthesisToolChipFamily', 'Cyclone V');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', 'SynthesisToolDeviceName', '5CSXFC6D6F31C6');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', 'TargetDirectory', 'hdl_prj\hdlsrc');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', ...
    'TargetPlatform', 'Altera Cyclone V SoC development kit - Rev.D');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', 'Traceability', 'on');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking', 'Workflow', 'IP Core Generation');

% Set SubSystem HDL parameters
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter', ...
    'ProcessorFPGASynchronization', 'Free running');

% Set Inport HDL parameters
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/Blink_frequency', ...
    'IOInterface', 'AXI4');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/Blink_frequency', ...
    'IOInterfaceMapping', 'x"100"');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/Blink_frequency', ...
    'IOInterfaceOptions', {'RegisterInitialValue', 5});

% Set Inport HDL parameters
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/Blink_direction', ...
    'IOInterface', 'AXI4');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/Blink_direction', ...
    'IOInterfaceMapping', 'x"104"');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/Blink_direction', ...
    'IOInterfaceOptions', {'RegisterInitialValue', 1});

% Set Outport HDL parameters
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/LED', 'IOInterface', 'External Port');

% Set Outport HDL parameters
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/Read_back', 'IOInterface', 'AXI4');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/Read_back', ...
    'IOInterfaceMapping', 'x"108"');
hdlset_param('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter/Read_back', ...
    'IOInterfaceOptions', {'RegisterInitialValue', 3});

%% Workflow Configuration Settings
% Construct the Workflow Configuration Object with default settings
hWC = hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig('SynthesisTool','Altera QUARTUS II', ...
    'TargetWorkflow','IP Core Generation');

% Specify the top level project directory
hWC.ProjectFolder = 'hdl_prj';

%Set Properties related to synthesis tool version
hWC.AllowUnsupportedToolVersion  = true;

% Set Workflow tasks to run
hWC.RunTaskGenerateRTLCodeAndIPCore = true;
hWC.RunTaskCreateProject = true;
hWC.RunTaskGenerateSoftwareInterface = false;
hWC.RunTaskBuildFPGABitstream = true;
hWC.RunTaskProgramTargetDevice = false;

% Set Properties related to Generate RTL Code And IP Core Task
hWC.GenerateIPCoreReport = true;

% Set Properties related to Create Project Task
hWC.Objective = hdlcoder.Objective.AreaOptimized;

% Set Properties related to Generate Software Interface Model Task
hWC.OperatingSystem = '';
hWC.AddLinuxDeviceDriver = false;

% Set Properties related to Build FPGA Bitstream Task
hWC.RunExternalBuild = true;
hWC.TclFileForSynthesisBuild = hdlcoder.BuildOption.Default;

% Validate the Workflow Configuration Object

%% Run the workflow
hdlcoder.runWorkflow('hdlcoder_led_blinking/led_counter', hWC);

Optionally, edit the script.

For example, enable or disable tasks in the hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig object, hWC.

Run the HDL workflow script.

For example, if the script file name is ip_core_workflow_example.m, at the command line, enter:


This example shows how to configure and run an exported HDL workflow script.

To generate an HDL workflow script, configure and run the HDL Workflow Advisor with your Simulink design, then export the script.

This script is a Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O workflow script that targets the Speedgoat IO331 board that uses the Xilinx ISE synthesis tool.

Open and view your exported HDL workflow script.

% HDL Workflow Script
% Generated with MATLAB 9.5 (R2018b Prerelease) at 18:14:14 on 08/05/2018
% This script was generated using the following parameter values:
%     Filename  : 'C:\Users\ggnanase\Desktop\R2018b\18b_models\ipcore_timing_failure\hdlworkflow_IO331.m'
%     Overwrite : true
%     Comments  : true
%     Headers   : true
%     DUT       : 'sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir'
% To view changes after modifying the workflow, run the following command:
% >> hWC.export('DUT','sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir');

%% Load the Model

%% Restore the Model to default HDL parameters

%% Model HDL Parameters
%% Set Model 'sfir_fixed' HDL parameters
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'HDLSubsystem', 'sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisTool', 'Xilinx ISE');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolChipFamily', 'Spartan6');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolDeviceName', 'xc6slx150');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolPackageName', 'fgg676');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolSpeedValue', '-3');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetDirectory', 'hdl_prj\hdlsrc');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetFrequency', 75);
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetPlatform', 'Speedgoat IO331');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'Workflow', 'Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O');

%% Workflow Configuration Settings
% Construct the Workflow Configuration Object with default settings
hWC = hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig('SynthesisTool','Xilinx ISE','TargetWorkflow','Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O');

% Specify the top level project directory
hWC.ProjectFolder = 'hdl_prj';
hWC.ReferenceDesignToolVersion = '';
hWC.IgnoreToolVersionMismatch = false;

%Set Properties related to synthesis tool version
hWC.AllowUnsupportedToolVersion  = true;

% Set Workflow tasks to run
hWC.RunTaskGenerateRTLCode = true;
hWC.RunTaskCreateProject = true;
hWC.RunTaskPerformLogicSynthesis = true;
hWC.RunTaskPerformMapping = true;
hWC.RunTaskPerformPlaceAndRoute = true;
hWC.RunTaskGenerateProgrammingFile = true;
hWC.RunTaskGenerateSimulinkRealTimeInterface = true;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskCreateProject' Task
hWC.Objective = hdlcoder.Objective.None;
hWC.AdditionalProjectCreationTclFiles = '';

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskPerformMapping' Task
hWC.SkipPreRouteTimingAnalysis = true;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskPerformPlaceAndRoute' Task
hWC.IgnorePlaceAndRouteErrors = false;

% Validate the Workflow Configuration Object

%% Run the workflow
hdlcoder.runWorkflow('sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir', hWC);

Optionally, edit the script.

For example, enable or disable tasks in the hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig object, hWC.

Run the HDL workflow script.

For example, if the script file name is slrt_workflow_example.m, at the command line, enter:


This example shows how to configure and run an exported HDL workflow script.

To generate an HDL workflow script, configure and run the HDL Workflow Advisor with your Simulink design, then export the script.

This script is a Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O workflow script that targets the Speedgoat IO333-325K board that uses the Xilinx Vivado synthesis tool.

Open and view your exported HDL workflow script.

% HDL Workflow Script
% Generated with MATLAB 9.5 (R2018b Prerelease) at 18:14:33 on 08/05/2018
% This script was generated using the following parameter values:
%     Filename  : 'C:\Users\ggnanase\Desktop\R2018b\18b_models\ipcore_timing_failure\hdlworkflow_IO333.m'
%     Overwrite : true
%     Comments  : true
%     Headers   : true
%     DUT       : 'sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir'
% To view changes after modifying the workflow, run the following command:
% >> hWC.export('DUT','sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir');

%% Load the Model

%% Restore the Model to default HDL parameters

%% Model HDL Parameters
%% Set Model 'sfir_fixed' HDL parameters
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'HDLSubsystem', 'sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisTool', 'Xilinx Vivado');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolChipFamily', 'Kintex7');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolDeviceName', 'xc7k325t');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolPackageName', 'ffg900');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'SynthesisToolSpeedValue', '-2');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetDirectory', 'hdl_prj\hdlsrc');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetFrequency', 100);
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'TargetPlatform', 'Speedgoat IO333-325K');
hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'Workflow', 'Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O');

%% Workflow Configuration Settings
% Construct the Workflow Configuration Object with default settings
hWC = hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig('SynthesisTool','Xilinx Vivado','TargetWorkflow','Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O');

% Specify the top level project directory
hWC.ProjectFolder = 'hdl_prj';
hWC.ReferenceDesignToolVersion = '2017.4';
hWC.IgnoreToolVersionMismatch = false;

%Set Properties related to synthesis tool version
hWC.AllowUnsupportedToolVersion  = true;

% Set Workflow tasks to run
hWC.RunTaskGenerateRTLCodeAndIPCore = true;
hWC.RunTaskCreateProject = true;
hWC.RunTaskBuildFPGABitstream = true;
hWC.RunTaskGenerateSimulinkRealTimeInterface = true;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskGenerateRTLCodeAndIPCore' Task
hWC.GenerateIPCoreReport = true;
hWC.GenerateIPCoreTestbench = false;
hWC.CustomIPTopHDLFile = '';
hWC.AXI4RegisterReadback = false;
hWC.IPDataCaptureBufferSize = '128';

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskCreateProject' Task
hWC.Objective = hdlcoder.Objective.None;
hWC.AdditionalProjectCreationTclFiles = '';
hWC.EnableIPCaching = true;

% Set properties related to 'RunTaskBuildFPGABitstream' Task
hWC.RunExternalBuild = false;
hWC.TclFileForSynthesisBuild = hdlcoder.BuildOption.Default;
hWC.CustomBuildTclFile = '';
hWC.ReportTimingFailure = hdlcoder.ReportTiming.Error;

% Validate the Workflow Configuration Object

%% Run the workflow
hdlcoder.runWorkflow('sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir', hWC);

Optionally, edit the script.

For example, enable or disable tasks in the hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig object, hWC.

Run the HDL workflow script.

For example, if the script file name is slrt_workflow_example.m, at the command line, enter:


Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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