Monte Carlo simulation of univariate regression model with ARIMA time series errors
uses additional options specified by one or more name-value arguments.
= simulate(Mdl
returns numeric arrays when all optional input data are
numeric arrays. For example, simulate(Mdl,10,NumPaths=1000,X=Pred)
simulates 1000
sample paths of length 10
from the
regression model with ARIMA errors Mdl
, and uses the predictor data in
for the model regression component.
returns the table or timetable Tbl
= simulate(Mdl
containing a variable for each of
the random paths of response, error model innovation, and unconditional disturbance series
resulting from simulating the regression model with ARIMA errors Mdl
uses the error model variable
in the table or timetable of presample
data Presample
to initialize the model. (since R2023b)
To initialize the model using presample unconditional disturbance data, replace the
name-value argument with
name-value argument.
specifies the variables Tbl
= simulate(Mdl
in the in-sample table or
timetable of data InSample
containing the predictor data for the
model regression component. (since R2023b)
specifies presample error model innovation data to initialize the model and in-sample
predictor data for the model regression component. (since R2023b)Tbl
= simulate(Mdl
uses additional options specified by one or more name-value arguments, using any input
argument combination in the previous three syntaxes. (since R2023b)Tbl
= simulate(___,Name=Value
For example,
returns a timetable containing a variable for each of the response, error model
innovation, and unconditional disturbance series. Each variable is a 100-by-1000 matrix
representing 1000, 100-period paths simulated from the regression model with ARIMA errors.
applies the predictor data in the
variable of the timetable Tbl
to the model
regression component.
Simulate Response Path Vector From Regression Model with ARMA Errors
Create the following regression model with ARMA(2,1) errors:
where is Gaussian with variance 0.1.
Mdl = regARIMA(Intercept=1,AR={0.5 -0.8},MA=-0.5, ...
is a fully specified regARIMA
Simulate a path of responses of length 100.
rng(1,"twister") % For reproducibility y = simulate(Mdl,100);
is a 100-by-1 vector containing the response path simulated from Mdl
Plot the simulated path.
Simulate Matrix of Response Paths
Simulate 1000 paths of responses from the following regression model with ARMA(2,1) errors:
where is Gaussian with variance 0.1. Assume the predictors are standard Gaussian random variables. Provide data as numeric arrays.
Create the regression model with ARIMA errors.
Mdl = regARIMA(Intercept=0,AR={0.5 -0.8},MA=-0.5, ...
Beta=[0.1; -0.2],Variance=0.1);
Simulate two series of predictor data for the regression component.
rng(1,"twister") % For reproducibility Pred = randn(100,2);
Simulate 1000 paths of responses each of length 100.
numobs = 100; numpaths = 1000; y = simulate(Mdl,100,X=Pred,NumPaths=1000);
is a 1000-by-100 matrix containing the independent response paths simulated from Mdl
Plot the simulated paths.
Simulate Responses, Innovations, and Unconditional Disturbances
Simulate paths of responses, innovations, and unconditional disturbances from a regression model with SARIMA errors.
Specify the model:
where follows a t-distribution with 15 degrees of freedom.
dstr = struct("Name","t","DoF",15); Mdl = regARIMA(AR={0.2 0.1},MA=0.5,SAR=0.01,SARLags=12, ... SMA=0.02,SMALags=12,D=1,Seasonality=12,Beta=[1.5; -2], ... Intercept=0,Variance=0.1,Distribution=dstr)
Mdl = regARIMA with properties: Description: "Regression with ARIMA(2,1,1) Error Model Seasonally Integrated with Seasonal AR(12) and MA(12) (t Distribution)" SeriesName: "Y" Distribution: Name = "t", DoF = 15 Intercept: 0 Beta: [1.5 -2] P: 27 D: 1 Q: 13 AR: {0.2 0.1} at lags [1 2] SAR: {0.01} at lag [12] MA: {0.5} at lag [1] SMA: {0.02} at lag [12] Seasonality: 12 Variance: 0.1
Simulate and plot 500 paths with 25 observations each.
T = 25; rng(1,"twister") % For reproducibility Pred = randn(T,2); [Y,E,U] = simulate(Mdl,T,NumPaths=500,X=Pred); figure tiledlayout(3,1) nexttile plot(Y) axis tight title("Simulated Response Paths") nexttile plot(E) axis tight title("Simulated Innovations Paths") nexttile plot(U) axis tight title("Simulated Unconditional Disturbances Paths")
Plot the 2.5th, 50th (median), and 97.5th percentiles of the simulated response paths.
lower = prctile(Y,2.5,2); middle = median(Y,2); upper = prctile(Y,97.5,2); figure plot(1:25,lower,"r:",1:25,middle,"k",1:25,upper,"r:") title("95% Percentile Confidence Interval for Response") legend("95% Interval","Median",Location="best")
Compute statistics across the second dimension (across paths) to summarize the sample paths.
Plot a histogram of the simulated paths at time 20.
title("Response Distribution at Time 20")
Forecast Model With Stationary Errors Using Monte Carlo Simulations
Fit a regression model with ARMA(1,1) errors by regressing the US consumer price index (CPI) quarterly changes onto the US gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate. Forecast log GDP using Monte Carlo simulation and the estimated model. Supply data in timetables.
Load and Transform Data
Load the US macroeconomic data set. Compute the series of GDP quarterly growth rates and CPI quarterly changes.
load Data_USEconModel DTT = price2ret(DataTimeTable,DataVariables="GDP"); DTT.GDPRate = 100*DTT.GDP; DTT.CPIDel = diff(DataTimeTable.CPIAUCSL); T = height(DTT)
T = 248
figure tiledlayout(2,1) nexttile plot(DTT.Time,DTT.GDPRate) title("GDP Rate") ylabel("Percent Growth") nexttile plot(DTT.Time,DTT.CPIDel) title("Index")
The series appear stationary, albeit heteroscedastic.
Prepare Timetable for Estimation
When you plan to supply a timetable, you must ensure it has all the following characteristics:
The selected response variable is numeric and does not contain any missing values.
The timestamps in the
variable are regular, and they are ascending or descending.
Remove all missing values from the timetable.
DTT = rmmissing(DTT); T_DTT = height(DTT)
T_DTT = 248
Because each sample time has an observation for all variables, rmmissing
does not remove any observations.
Determine whether the sampling timestamps have a regular frequency and are sorted.
areTimestampsRegular = isregular(DTT,"quarters")
areTimestampsRegular = logical
areTimestampsSorted = issorted(DTT.Time)
areTimestampsSorted = logical
areTimestampsRegular = 0
indicates that the timestamps of DTT
are irregular. areTimestampsSorted = 1
indicates that the timestamps are sorted. Macroeconomic series in this example are timestamped at the end of the month. This quality induces an irregularly measured series.
Remedy the time irregularity by shifting all dates to the first day of the quarter.
dt = DTT.Time; dt = dateshift(dt,"start","quarter"); DTT.Time = dt; areTimestampsRegular = isregular(DTT,"quarters")
areTimestampsRegular = logical
is regular.
Create Model Template for Estimation
Suppose that a regression model of the quarterly GDP rate on CPI changes, with ARMA(1,1) errors, is appropriate.
Create a model template for a regression model with ARMA(1,1) errors template. Specify the response variable name.
Mdl = regARIMA(1,0,1);
Mdl.SeriesName = "GDPRate";
is a partially specified regARIMA
Partition Data
Reserve 2 years (8 quarters) of data at the end of the series to compare against the forecasts.
numobs = 8; estidx = 1:(T_DTT-numobs); % Estimation sample frstHzn = (T_DTT-numobs+1):T_DTT; % Forecast horizon
Fit Model to Data
Fit a regression model with ARMA(1,1) errors to the estimation sample. Specify the predictor variable name.
EstMdl = estimate(Mdl,DTT(estidx,:),PredictorVariables="CPIDel");
Regression with ARMA(1,1) Error Model (Gaussian Distribution): Value StandardError TStatistic PValue __________ _____________ __________ __________ Intercept 0.016489 0.0017307 9.5272 1.6152e-21 AR{1} 0.57835 0.096952 5.9653 2.4415e-09 MA{1} -0.15125 0.11658 -1.2974 0.19449 Beta(1) 0.0025095 0.0014147 1.7738 0.076089 Variance 0.00011319 7.5405e-06 15.01 6.2792e-51
is a fully specified, estimated regARIMA
object. By default, estimate
backcasts for the required Mdl.P = 1
presample regression model residual and sets the required Mdl.Q = 1
presample error model residual to 0.
Forecast Estimated Model
Infer estimation sample unconditional disturbances to initialize the model for forecasting. Specify the predictor variable name.
Tbl0 = infer(EstMdl,DTT(estidx,:),PredictorVariables="CPIDel");
Simulate 1000 paths with 8 observations each. Use the inferred unconditional disturbances as presample data. Specify the predictor and presample unconditional disturbance variable names.
rng(1,"twister"); % For reproducibility numpaths = 1000; TblSim = simulate(EstMdl,numobs,NumPaths=numpaths,Presample=Tbl0, ... PresampleRegressionDisturbanceVariable="GDPRate_RegressionResidual", ... InSample=DTT(frstHzn,:),PredictorVariables="CPIDel");
Plot the simulation median forecast and approximate 95% forecast intervals.
TblSim.FStats = quantile(TblSim.GDPRate_Response,[0.025 0.5 0.975],2); figure plot(DTT.Time(end-40:end),DTT.GDPRate(end-40:end),Color=[.7,.7,.7]) hold on h1 = plot(TblSim.Time,TblSim.FStats(:,[1 3]),"r:",LineWidth=2); h2 = plot(TblSim.Time,TblSim.FStats(:,2),"k",LineWidth=2); h = gca; ph = patch([repmat(TblSim.Time(1),1,2) repmat(TblSim.Time(end),1,2)], ... [h.YLim fliplr(h.YLim)], ... [0 0 0 0],"b"); ph.FaceAlpha = 0.1; legend([h1(1) h2],["95% percentile intervals" "Sim. median"],Location="northwest", ... AutoUpdate="off") axis tight title("GDP Rate Forecast Over 2-year Horizon") hold off
Forecast Model with Nonstationary Errors Using Monte Carlo Simulation
Fit a regression model with ARIMA(1,1,1) errors by regressing the quarterly log US GDP onto the log CPI. Forecast log GDP using Monte Carlo simulation and the estimated model. Supply data in timetables.
Load the US macroeconomic data set. Compute the log GDP series.
load Data_USEconModel
DTT = DataTimeTable;
DTT.LogGDP = log(DTT.GDP);
T = height(DTT);
Remedy the time irregularity by shifting all dates to the first day of the quarter.
dt = DTT.Time; dt = dateshift(dt,"start","quarter"); DTT.Time = dt;
Reserve 2 years (8 quarters) of data at the end of the series to compare against the forecasts.
numobs = 8; estidx = 1:(T-numobs); % Estimation sample frstHzn = (T-numobs+1):T; % Forecast horizon
Suppose that a regression model of the quarterly log GDP on CPI, with ARMA(1,1) errors, is appropriate.
Create a model template for a regression model with ARMA(1,1) errors template. Specify the response variable name.
Mdl = regARIMA(1,1,1);
Mdl.SeriesName = "LogGDP";
The intercept is not identifiable in a regression model with integrated errors. Fix its value before estimation. One way to do this is to estimate the intercept using simple linear regression. Use the estimation sample.
coeff = [ones(T-numobs,1) DTT.CPIAUCSL(estidx)]\DTT.LogGDP(estidx); Mdl.Intercept = coeff(1);
Fit a regression model with ARMA(1,1,1) errors to the estimation sample. Specify the predictor variable name.
EstMdl = estimate(Mdl,DTT(estidx,:),PredictorVariables="CPIAUCSL");
Regression with ARIMA(1,1,1) Error Model (Gaussian Distribution): Value StandardError TStatistic PValue __________ _____________ __________ ___________ Intercept 5.8303 0 Inf 0 AR{1} 0.92869 0.028414 32.684 2.6126e-234 MA{1} -0.39063 0.057599 -6.7819 1.1858e-11 Beta(1) 0.0029335 0.0014645 2.0031 0.045166 Variance 0.00010668 6.9256e-06 15.403 1.554e-53
is a fully specified, estimated regARIMA
object. By default, estimate
backcasts for the required Mdl.P = 2
presample regression model residual and sets the required Mdl.Q = 1
presample error model residual to 0.
Infer estimation sample unconditional disturbances to initialize the model for forecasting. Specify the predictor variable name.
Tbl0 = infer(EstMdl,DTT(estidx,:),PredictorVariables="CPIAUCSL");
Simulate 1000 paths with 8 observations each. Use the inferred unconditional disturbances as presample data. Specify the predictor and presample unconditional disturbance variable names.
rng(1,"twister"); % For reproducibility numpaths = 1000; TblSim = simulate(EstMdl,numobs,NumPaths=numpaths,Presample=Tbl0, ... PresampleRegressionDisturbanceVariable="LogGDP_RegressionResidual", ... InSample=DTT(frstHzn,:),PredictorVariables="CPIAUCSL");
Plot the simulation median forecast and approximate 95% forecast intervals.
TblSim.FStats = quantile(TblSim.LogGDP_Response,[0.025 0.5 0.975],2); figure plot(DTT.Time(end-40:end),DTT.LogGDP(end-40:end),Color=[.7,.7,.7]) hold on h1 = plot(TblSim.Time,TblSim.FStats(:,[1 3]),"r:",LineWidth=2); h2 = plot(TblSim.Time,TblSim.FStats(:,2),"k",LineWidth=2); h = gca; ph = patch([repmat(TblSim.Time(1),1,2) repmat(TblSim.Time(end),1,2)], ... [h.YLim fliplr(h.YLim)],[0 0 0 0],"b"); ph.FaceAlpha = 0.1; legend([h1(1) h2],["95% percentile intervals" "Sim. median"],Location="northwest", ... AutoUpdate="off") axis tight title("Log GDP Forecast Over 2-year Horizon") hold off
Input Arguments
— Number of random observations to generate
positive integer
Sample path length, specified as a positive integer. numobs
the number of random observations to generate per output path.
Data Types: double
— Presample data
table | timetable
Since R2023b
Presample data containing paths of responses error model innovations
εt or unconditional disturbances
ut to initialize the model, specified as a
table or timetable with numprevars
variables and
returns the simulated variables in the output table
or timetable Tbl
, which is the same type as
. If Presample
is a timetable,
is a timetable that immediately follows
in time with respect to the sampling frequency.
Each selected variable is a single path (numpreobs
-by-1 vector)
or multiple paths (numpreobs
matrix) of numpreobs
observations representing the presample of
observations of error model innovations or unconditional
Each row is a presample observation, and measurements in each row occur
simultaneously. The last row contains the latest presample observation.
must be one of the following values:
At least
provides only presample unconditional disturbancesAt least
provides only presample error model innovationsAt least
max([Mdl.P Mdl.Q])
If numpreobs
exceeds the minimum number,
uses the latest required number of observations
If numprepaths
> NumPaths
uses only the first NumPaths
If Presample
is a timetable, all the following conditions must
be true:
If Presample
is a table, the last row contains the latest
presample observation.
By default, simulate
sets necessary presample error model
innovations and unconditional disturbances to zero.
If you specify the Presample
, you must specify the presample
error model innovation or unconditional disturbance variable name by using the
— Error model innovation εt to select from Presample
string scalar | character vector | integer | logical vector
Since R2023b
Error model innovation εt to select from
containing the presample error model innovation data,
specified as one of the following data types:
String scalar or character vector containing the variable name to select from
Variable index (positive integer) to select from
A logical vector, where
selects variablej
) = true
The selected variable must be a numeric vector and cannot contain missing values
If you specify presample error model innovation data by using the
name-value argument, you must specify
Example: PresampleInnovationVariable="GDP_E"
Example: PresampleInnovationVariable=[false false true false]
selects the third table variable for
presample error model innovation data.
Data Types: double
| logical
| char
| cell
| string
— In-sample predictor data
table | timetable
Since R2023b
In-sample predictor data for the model regression component, specified as a table or
timetable. InSample
contains numvars
including numpreds
predictor variables
returns the simulated variables in the output table
or timetable Tbl
, which is commensurate with
Each row corresponds to an observation in the simulation horizon, the first row is
the earliest observation, and measurements in each row, among all paths, occur
simultaneously. InSample
must have at least
rows to cover the simulation horizon. If you supply more
rows than necessary, simulate
uses only the first
Each selected predictor variable is a numeric vector without missing values
s). All predictor variables are present in the regression
component of each response equation and apply to all response paths.
If InSample
is a timetable, the following conditions apply:
If InSample
is a table, the last row contains the latest
By default, simulate
does not include the regression
component in the model, regardless of the value of Mdl.Beta
— Predictor variables xt to select from InSample
string vector | cell vector of character vectors | vector of integers | logical vector
Predictor variables xt to select from
containing predictor data for the regression component,
specified as one of the following data types:
String vector or cell vector of character vectors containing
variable names inInSample.Properties.VariableNames
A vector of unique indices (positive integers) of variables to select from
A logical vector, where
selects variablej
) = true
The selected variables must be numeric vectors and cannot contain missing values
By default, simulate
excludes the regression component,
regardless of its presence in Mdl
Example: PredictorVariables=["M1SL" "TB3MS"
Example: PredictorVariables=[true false true false]
PredictorVariable=[1 3]
selects the first and third table variables
to supply the predictor data.
Data Types: double
| logical
| char
| cell
| string
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
returns a timetable containing a variable for each of the response, error model innovation,
and unconditional disturbance series. Each variable is a 100-by-1000 matrix representing
1000, 100-period paths simulated from the regression model with ARIMA errors.
applies the predictor data in the CPI
variable of the timetable Tbl
to the model regression
— Number of independent sample paths to generate
(default) | positive integer
Number of independent sample paths to generate, specified as a positive integer.
Example: NumPaths=1000
Data Types: double
— Predictor data
numeric matrix
Predictor data for the model regression component, specified as a numeric matrix
containing numpreds
columns. numpreds
is the
number of predictor variables (numel(Mdl.Beta)
). Use
only when you supply optional data inputs as numeric
Each row of X
corresponds to a period in the length
simulation sample (period for which
simulates observations; the period after the
presample). X
must have at least numobs
The last row contains the latest predictor data. If X
has more than
rows, simulate
uses only the
latest numobs
does not use the regression component in the
presample period.
Each column is an individual predictor variable.
applies X
to each path; that
is, X
represents one path of observed predictors.
By default, simulate
excludes the regression component,
regardless of its presence in Mdl
Data Types: double
— Presample error model innovations εt
(default) | numeric column vector | numeric matrix
Presample error model innovations εt
used to initialize the moving average (MA) component of the error model, specified as
a numpreobs
-by-1 numeric column vector or a
matrix. Use
only when you supply optional data inputs as numeric
is the number of presample observations.
is the number of presample response paths.
Each row is a presample observation (sampling time), and measurements in each row
occur simultaneously. The last row contains the latest presample observation.
must be at least Mdl.Q
to initialize
the MA component. If numpreobs
is larger than required,
uses the latest required number of observations
Columns of E0
are separate, independent presample paths. The
following conditions apply:
is a column vector, it represents a single residual path.simulate
applies it to each output path.If
is a matrix,simulate
to initialize simulating pathj
must have at leastNumPaths
uses only the firstNumPaths
columns ofE0
Data Types: double
— Presample unconditional disturbances ut
(default) | numeric column vector | numeric matrix
Presample unconditional disturbances ut
used to initialize the autoregressive (AR) component of the error model, specified as
a numpreobs
-by-1 numeric column vector or a
matrix. Use
only when you supply optional data inputs as numeric
Each row is a presample observation (sampling time), and measurements in each row
occur simultaneously. The last row contains the latest presample observation.
must be at least Mdl.P
to initialize
the AR component. If numpreobs
is larger than required,
uses the latest required number of observations
Columns of U0
are separate, independent presample paths. The
following conditions apply:
is a column vector, it represents a single residual path.simulate
applies it to each output path.If
is a matrix,simulate
to initialize simulating pathj
must have at leastNumPaths
uses only the firstNumPaths
columns ofU0
Data Types: double
— Unconditional disturbance variable ut to select from Presample
string scalar | character vector | integer | logical vector
Since R2023b
Unconditional disturbance variable ut to
select from Presample
containing data for the presample
unconditional disturbances, specified as one of the following data types:
String scalar or character vector containing a variable name in
Variable index (positive integer) to select from
A logical vector, where
selects variablej
) = true
The selected variable must be a numeric vector and cannot contain missing values
If you specify presample unconditional disturbance data by using the
name-value argument, you must specify
Example: PresampleRegressionDistrubanceVariable="StockRateU"
Example: PresampleRegressionDistrubanceVariable=[false false true
or PresampleRegressionDistrubanceVariable=3
selects the third table variable as the presample unconditional disturbance
Data Types: double
| logical
| char
| cell
| string
values inX
, andU0
indicate missing values.simulate
removes missing values from specified data by list-wise deletion.For the presample,
horizontally concatenates the possibly jagged arraysE0
with respect to the last rows, and then it removes any row of the concatenated matrix containing at least oneNaN
.For in-sample data,
removes any row ofX
containing at least oneNaN
This type of data reduction reduces the effective sample size and can create an irregular time series.
For numeric data inputs,
assumes that you synchronize the presample data such that the latest observations occur simultaneously.simulate
issues an error when any table or timetable input contains missing values.
Output Arguments
— Simulated response paths yt
numeric column vector | numeric matrix
Simulated response paths yt, returned as a numobs
-by-1 numeric column vector or a numobs
numeric matrix. simulate
returns Y
by default and when you supply optional data in numeric arrays.
represents the continuation of the presample responses in Y0
Each row corresponds to a period in the simulated series; the simulated series has the periodicity of Mdl
. Each column is a separate simulated path.
— Simulated error model innovation paths
numeric column vector | numeric matrix
Simulated error model innovations paths
εt, returned as a
-by-1 numeric column vector or a
numeric matrix. Each
column (path) of E
has a mean of zero.
returns E
by default and when
you supply optional data in numeric arrays
The dimensions of E
correspond to the dimensions of
— Simulated response yt, error model innovation εt, and unconditional disturbance ut paths
table | timetable
Since R2023b
Simulated response yt, error model
innovation εt, and unconditional disturbance
ut paths, returned as a table or
timetable, the same data type as Presample
. simulate
only when you supply at least one of the inputs
and InSample
contains the following variables:
The simulated response paths, which are in a
numeric matrix, with rows representing observations and columns representing independent paths. Each path represents the continuation of the presample inPresample
, or each path corresponds, in time, with the rows ofInSample
names the simulated response variable inTbl
, whereresponseName
. For example, ifMdl.SeriesName
contains a variable for the corresponding simulated response paths with the nameGDP_Response
.The simulated error model innovation paths, which are in a
numeric matrix, with rows representing observations and columns representing independent paths. Each path has a mean of zero, and represents the continuation of the corresponding presample path inPresample
, or each path corresponds, in time, with the rows ofInSample
names the simulated error model innovation variable inTbl
, whereresponseName
. For example, ifMdl.SeriesName
contains a variable for the corresponding simulated error model innovation paths with the nameGDP_ErrorInnovation
.The simulated unconditional disturbance paths, which are in a
numeric matrix, with rows representing observations and columns representing independent paths. Each path represents the continuation of the corresponding presample path inPresample
, or each path corresponds, in time, with the rows ofInSample
names the simulated unconditional disturbance variable inTbl
, whereresponseName
. For example, ifMdl.SeriesName
contains a variable for the corresponding simulated unconditional disturbance paths with the nameGDP_RegressionInnovation
.When you supply
contains all variables inInSample
If Tbl
is a timetable, the following conditions hold:
The row order of
, either ascending or descending, matches the row order ofPreample
.If you specify
, row timesTbl.Time
. Otherwise,Tbl.Time(1)
is the next time afterPresample(end)
relative to the sampling frequency, andTbl.Time(2:numobs)
are the following times relative to the sampling frequency.
[1] Box, George E. P., Gwilym M. Jenkins, and Gregory C. Reinsel. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994.
[2] Davidson, R., and J. G. MacKinnon. Econometric Theory and Methods. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2004.
[3] Enders, Walter. Applied Econometric Time Series. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995.
[4] Hamilton, James D. Time Series Analysis. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994.
[5] Pankratz, A. Forecasting with Dynamic Regression Models. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991.
[6] Tsay, R. S. Analysis of Financial Time Series. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.
Version History
Introduced in R2013bR2023a: simulate
accepts input data in tables and timetables, and returns results in tables and timetables
In addition to accepting presample and in-sample predictor data in numeric arrays,
accepts input data in tables or regular timetables. When
you supply input data in a table or timetable, the following conditions apply:
If you specify optional presample error model innovation or unconditional disturbance data to initialize the model, you must also specify corresponding variable names containing the data to use.
If you specify optional in-sample predictor data for the model regression component, you must also specify corresponding predictor variable names containing the data to use.
returns results in a table or timetable.
Name-value arguments to support tabular workflows include:
specifies the table or regular timetable of predictor data for the model regression component.PredictorVariables
specifies the names of the predictor series to select fromInSample
for the model regression component.Presample
specifies the input table or timetable of presample regression innovation or error model innovation data.PresampleInnovationVariable
specifies the name of the error model innovation series to select fromPresample
specifies the name of the unconditional disturbance series to select fromPresample
See Also
- Alternative ARIMA Model Representations
- Simulate Stationary Processes
- Simulate Trend-Stationary and Difference-Stationary Processes
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Conditional Mean Models
- Presample Data for Conditional Mean Model Simulation
- Transient Effects in Conditional Mean Model Simulations
- Monte Carlo Forecasting of Conditional Mean Models
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