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Register reserved identifiers to associate with code replacement library


setReservedIdentifiers(hTable,ids) registers reserved identifier structures in a code replacement table.

In a code replacement table, the code generator registers each function implementation name defined by a table entry as a reserved identifier. You can register additional reserved identifiers for the table on a per-header-file basis. Providing additional reserved identifiers can help prevent duplicate symbols and other identifier-related compile and link issues.

The setReservedIdentifiers function lets you register up to four reserved identifier structures in a code replacement table. One set of reserved identifiers can be associated with a code replacement library, while the other three (if present) must be associated with libraries named ANSI_C, ISO_C, ISO_C++, or GNU.

For information about generating a list of reserved identifiers for the code replacement library that you use to generate code, see Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement.



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This example shows how to use the setReservedIdentifiers function to register four reserved identifier structures, for 'ANSI_C', 'ISO_C','ISO_C++', and 'My Custom CRL', respectively.

hLib = RTW.TflTable;

% Create and register CRL entries here


% Create and register reserved identifiers
d{1}.LibraryName = 'ANSI_C';
d{1}.HeaderInfos{1}.HeaderName = 'math.h';
d{1}.HeaderInfos{1}.ReservedIds = {'a', 'b'}; 
d{1}.HeaderInfos{2}.HeaderName = 'foo.h';
d{1}.HeaderInfos{2}.ReservedIds = {'c', 'd'};

d{2}.LibraryName = 'ISO_C';
d{2}.HeaderInfos{1}.HeaderName = 'math.h';
d{2}.HeaderInfos{1}.ReservedIds = {'a', 'b'}; 
d{2}.HeaderInfos{2}.HeaderName = 'foo.h';
d{2}.HeaderInfos{2}.ReservedIds = {'c', 'd'};

d{3}.LibraryName = 'ISO_C++';
d{3}.HeaderInfos{1}.HeaderName = 'math.h';
d{3}.HeaderInfos{1}.ReservedIds = {'a', 'b'}; 
d{3}.HeaderInfos{2}.HeaderName = 'foo.h';
d{3}.HeaderInfos{2}.ReservedIds = {'c', 'd'};

d{4}.LibraryName = 'My Custom CRL';
d{4}.HeaderInfos{1}.HeaderName = 'my_math_lib.h';
d{4}.HeaderInfos{1}.ReservedIds = {'y1', 'u1'}; 
d{4}.HeaderInfos{2}.HeaderName = 'my_oper_lib.h';
d{4}.HeaderInfos{2}.ReservedIds = {'foo', 'bar'};

setReservedIdentifiers(hLib, d);

Input Arguments

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The hTable is a handle to a code replacement table previously returned by hTable = RTW.TflTable.

Example: hLib

The ids is a structure specifying reserved keywords to be registered for a library. The structure must contain:

  • LibraryName element, a character vector or string scalar that specifies 'ANSI_C', 'ISO_C', 'ISO_C++', 'GNU'.

  • HeaderInfos element, a structure or cell array of structures containing:

    • HeaderName element, a character vector or string scalar that specifies the header file in which the identifiers are declared.

    • ReservedIds element, a cell array of character vectors or string array that specifies the names of the identifiers to be registered as reserved keywords.

Example: d

Version History

Introduced in R2008a

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