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Add argument to RTW.CImplementation object

Since R2024a


    addArgument(implementation,arg) adds the argument to the RTW.CImplementation object that represents the implementation function specification implementation.



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    Add an input argument to the specification for an implementation function. For this example, the implementation function replaces the initialize function of a Discrete FIR Filter block.

    Create a block replacement entry for the Discrete FIR Filter block.

    hLib = RTW.TflTable;
    entry = RTW.TflBlockEntry;
    entry.Key = 'DiscreteFir';

    Create the RTW.CImplementation object that represents the implementation function. Specify the name and header file for the function.

    impl = RTW.CImplementation;
    impl.Name = 'arm_fir_init';
    impl.HeaderFile = 'arm_math.h';

    Add an input argument to the implementation function object.

    arg = getTflArgFromString(hLib, 'u1', 'uint16');
    addArgument(impl, arg);

    Add the implementation function to the block replacement entry as the replacement initialization function.

    addImplementation(entry, 'initialize', impl);

    Input Arguments

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    Implementation function, specified as an RTW.CImplementation object.

    Implementation function argument, specified as a handle such as the argument handle returned by the function getTflArgFromString.

    Example: getTflArgFromString('u1','uint16')

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a