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Add source path to array of source paths for code replacement table entry


addAdditionalSourcePath(hEntry,path) adds a specified additional source file path to the array of additional source file paths for a code replacement table.

This function adds -I to the compile line in the generated makefile.



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This example shows how to use the addAdditionalSourcePath function with addAdditionalHeaderFile, addAdditionalIncludePath, and addAdditionalSourceFile to specify path to additional header and source files fully for a code replacement table entry.

% Path to external header and source files
libdir = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','..', '..', 'lib');

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
addAdditionalHeaderFile(op_entry, 'all_additions.h');
addAdditionalIncludePath(op_entry, fullfile(libdir, 'include'));

addAdditionalSourceFile(op_entry, 'all_additions.c');
addAdditionalSourcePath(op_entry, fullfile(libdir, 'src'));

Input Arguments

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The hEntry is a handle to a code replacement table entry previously returned by instantiating a code replacement table entry class, such as hEntry = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry or hEntry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry.

Example: op_entry

The path is a character vector or string scalar specifying the full path to an additional source file. The character vector or string scalar can include tokens (for example, $myfolder$, where myfolder is a variable defined as a character vector, cell array of character vectors, or string array in the MATLAB® workspace).

Example: fullfile(libdir, 'src')

Version History

Introduced in R2007b