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Formatieren von Signalen zur Verarbeitung

Sie können verschiedene Quellcodierungen verwenden, um Signale gemäß repräsentativen Partitionen, bestimmten Codebook-Zuordnungen, Komprimierung, Expansion, Kompandierung und Quantisierung zu formatieren.


arithdecoDecode binary code by arithmetic decoding
arithencoEncode sequence of symbols by arithmetic encoding
compandSource coding mu-law or A-law compressor or expander
dpcmdecoDecode using differential pulse code modulation
dpcmencoEncode using differential pulse code modulation
dpcmoptOptimize differential pulse code modulation parameters
huffmandecoDecode binary code by Huffman decoding
huffmandictGenerate Huffman code dictionary for source with known probability model
huffmanencoEncode sequence of symbols by Huffman encoding
lloydsOptimize quantization parameters using Lloyd algorithm
quantizProduce quantization index and quantized output value


comm.DifferentialDecoderDecode binary signal using differential decoding
comm.DifferentialEncoderEncode binary signal using differential coding


A-Law CompressorImplement A-law compressor for source coding
A-Law ExpanderImplement A-law expander for source coding
Differential DecoderDecode binary signal using differential coding
Differential EncoderEncode binary signal using differential coding
Mu-Law CompressorImplement µ-law compressor for source coding
Mu-Law ExpanderImplement µ-law expander for source coding
Quantizing DecoderDecode quantization index according to codebook
Quantizing EncoderQuantize signal using partition and codebook
