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Review Results of Impact Analysis in Polyspace Code Prover

You can use Polyspace® Code Prover™ to prove that two objects in your C/C++ program do not impact each other. If you designate the two objects as a source and a sink, a Code Prover analysis can detect if the source values impact the sink values or can prove the absence of impact. An impact occurs if there is uninterrupted data flow from the source to the sink (or if the value of the source variable determines if the sink variable acquires a specific value).

This example shows how to review the results of impact analysis in Polyspace Code Prover. For more information on how to run impact analysis, see Prove Absence of Impact Between Objects in C/C++ Program.

Example Files

This tutorial walks through how to review impact analysis results. If you want to look at sample results while following the steps, run impact analysis on the source files in polyspaceroot\polyspace\examples\doc_cxx\impact_analysis. Here, polyspaceroot is the Polyspace installation folder, for instance, C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2024b.

View Results of Impact Analysis

After running impact analysis, you can see the results in one of the following places:

  • You can see the results in a flat list on the Results List pane along with other Code Prover results. All impact analysis results appear in a group named Specifications. If your Code Prover results set contains other results, you can filter to this group to focus on impact analysis results only.

  • You can see the impact analysis results separately on the Impact Analysis pane. On this pane, you can see the results organized by impact source or impact sink. For more information, see Organize Impact Analysis Results by Source or Sink.

The impact analysis results consist of two checks:

  • Expected impact: For each impact element in your specification file with a source and sink pair, the check determines if the source had the expected impact on the sink.

    The check color is:

    • Red if there is a proven absence of impact.

    • Orange if there is a possible impact.

    You can investigate the red checks to see why your specification is violated and fix the issue. You can also investigate the orange checks to make sure that your specification is not violated and fix or justify the issue.

  • Expected absence of impact: For each no-impact element in your specification file with a source and sink pair, the check determines if the source had the expected absence of impact on the sink.

    The check color is:

    • Green if there is a proven absence of impact.

    • Orange if there is a possible impact.

    You can investigate the orange checks to make sure that your specification is not violated and fix or justify the issue.

To review the result of a check:

  1. Select the result on the Results List pane.

    • The Result Details pane lists the source and sink pair that leads to the result. You see a message such as the following:

      Possible impact detected between source and sink.
      Source: sourceName
      Sink: sinkName
      Here, sourceName and sinkName are the variables that act as the source and sink.

      Typical content of Result Details pane for an impact analysis result.

    • The Source pane shows the impact specification in the XML file that triggers the check.

  2. If the result is orange, there are one or more paths from the source to the sink. The event list on the Result Details pane shows one such path. Select each item in this list to navigate to the corresponding source code location on the Source pane.

Trace Path from Source to Sink

For results that are orange, you can click each element in the event list below the result and trace a path from a source of impact to a sink.

The following is an example event list along with an explanation of what each item means and the source code location associated with the item (when you click the item, the Source pane updates to this location).

EventWhat This MeansSource Code Location
Source is selected by rule sourceId

The source that leads to the impact is defined in your impact specification XML file with an id of sourceId.

Location in the XML file that defines the source with an id of sourceId.

Source is matched here.

The source defined in the impact specification XML file with an id of sourceId is found in the C/C++ code.

Location of the source in the C/C++ code.

Write variableName

A variable with the name variableName obtained its value from the source.

Location of the write operation on variableName.
Read variableName

The variable with the name variableName is read.

Location of the read operation on variableName.
Control: Conditionally modified

The variable with the name variableName is read as part of a condition expression and a block is entered based on the result of evaluating the condition. For instance, the variable might be read as part of an if condition expression and the if block is entered based on the result of evaluating this condition.

Opening and closing braces of the block controlled by a condition. The condition expression contains the variable with the name variableName.
Return from calleeFuncName, returned valueControl moves from a callee function calleeFuncName to a caller. The value returned from the callee continues the data flow from the source to the sink.Closing brace of the callee function calleeFuncName.
Back to callerFuncName, returned valueControl moves from a callee function to a caller callerFuncName. The value returned from the callee continues the data flow from the source to the sink.Location in the function callerFuncName where the function calleeFuncName is called.
Sink is matched here.

The sink defined in the impact specification XML file with an id of sinkId is found in the C/C++ code.

Location of the sink in the C/C++ code.

Source is selected by rule sinkId

The sink that is impacted is defined in your impact specification XML file with an id of sinkId.

Location in the XML file that defines the sink with an id of sinkId.

When reviewing impact analysis results in the web browser, you can see the event list collapsed for easier review. If there is an impact flow across a function, you see a collapsed node in the event list that describes the impact flow at a higher level. You can expand this node to see further details of the impact flow.

For instance, the following event list contains a collapsed event:

Function 'func1' propagates impact from 'g.x' to 'g.y'
This means that when entering the function, the impact flow starts from the value of g.x and when leaving the function, the impact flow continues through the value of g.y. You can expand the node to see further details of how the value of g.x impacts the value of g.y.

Collapsed event on event list

Organize Impact Analysis Results by Source or Sink

Instead of viewing the impact analysis results in a flat list along with other Code Prover results, you can organize them by impact source or impact sink.

To view impact analysis results organized by impact sources:

  1. Open the Impact Analysis pane using one of these methods:

    • Select Window > Impact Analysis.

    • Select an impact analysis result on the Results List pane. On the Result Details pane, click the Impact Analysis view button icon or the link See all occurrences for this source/sink couple in the Impact Analysis view.

  2. On the Impact Analysis pane, select View by Sources. You can also enter the name of an impact source or impact sink in the search box to view all occurrences of that source or sink.

For example, in the following image, you see two impact analysis sources:

  • Read of SRC1– The variable SRC1 acts as an impact analysis source when read. This source possibly impacts two sinks:

    • Write to SNK1– The variable SNK1 acts as an impact analysis sink when written. Such a write operation occurs only once. Click on the link Sink occurrence 1 to navigate to this write operation in the source code and to see a path from the source to the sink on the Impact Analysis Traceback pane.

    • Write to SNK2– The variable SNK2 acts as an impact analysis sink when written. This write operation also occurs once.

  • Read of SRC2– The variable SRC2 acts as an impact analysis source when read. This source has no impact on any sink, so you see the following nodes:

    • Write to SNK1– The variable SNK1 is completely decoupled from this source when written. Therefore, the impact analysis result for the specification Expected absence of impact is green.

    • Write to SNK2– The variable SNK2 is also completely decoupled from this source when written. Therefore, the impact analysis result for the specification Expected impact is red.

Impact analysis results organized by impact sources

For each source, the # Impacts column shows the number of sinks impacted by the source and the # No-impacts column shows the number of sinks that are completely decoupled from the source.

See Also

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