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Reset tunable property values to default

Since R2023b



reset(aiant) restores the default tunable property values of the AIAntenna object.


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This example shows how to reset the tunable properties of an AI-based inset-fed microstrip patch antenna to their default values.

Create AI-based Inset-Fed Microstrip Patch

Create an AI-based inset-fed microstrip patch antenna operating at 4.5GHz. Set its tunable properties to their desired values.

pAI = design(patchMicrostripInsetfed,4.5e9,ForAI=true);
pAI.Length = 0.035;
pAI.Width = 0.035;
pAI.Height = 0.0015;
pAI.StripLineWidth = 0.0017;
pAI = 
  AIAntenna with properties:

   Antenna Info
               AntennaType: 'patchMicrostripInsetfed'
    InitialDesignFrequency: 4.5000e+09

   Tunable Parameters
                    Length: 0.0350
                     Width: 0.0350
                    Height: 0.0015
            StripLineWidth: 0.0017
               NotchLength: 0.0044
                NotchWidth: 0.0033

Use 'showReadOnlyProperties(pAI)' to show read-only properties

Restore Default Values of Tunable Properties

Use reset function to restore the tunable properties of the antenna to their default values.

pAI = 
  AIAntenna with properties:

   Antenna Info
               AntennaType: 'patchMicrostripInsetfed'
    InitialDesignFrequency: 4.5000e+09

   Tunable Parameters
                    Length: 0.0300
                     Width: 0.0300
                    Height: 0.0017
            StripLineWidth: 0.0019
               NotchLength: 0.0044
                NotchWidth: 0.0033

Use 'showReadOnlyProperties(pAI)' to show read-only properties

Input Arguments

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AI-based antenna, specified as an AIAntenna object created using the design function.

Example: design(patchMicrostripInsetfed,4.5e9,ForAI=true)

Version History

Introduced in R2023b