My simulation is showing very small time not the total time period. Can anyone suggest the solution
In the setting of the scope (the gear symbol on the left top corner), there is a 'history' tab. In there remove the tick from 'L...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

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How to change load(resistance) while simulation is running
The easiest way is to use the switch block. You can either use simulation time to determine when to switch or define some condit...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

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bode plot from mass, stiffness and damping matrix
First of all, I think your M K and D matrices are not for a spring mass damper system. They do not have any negative elements in...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 2

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What is the purpose of Gmin and Gmax value in Hinfinty controller
From the function page you can find the information you need. I am pasting it here for convenience. --------------- Performanc...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

how to simulate an impusles response of a transfer function?
An impulse signal is a signal that has a certain magnitude that is applied for a small time. So you can use transfer function bl...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 1

How to realize a multiloop system in matlab?
Find below a simple example; A = rand(3); % random system A matrix B = rand(3,2); % random input B matrix C = eye(3); %...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

For loop for fibonacci series
In case of series, it is better to store each value. Please see below code that generatesa fibonacci sequence, and stores all th...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 4

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ODE function does not seem to work
First error is in sdof function. There should be a semicolon after c=1 and before m=3; k=3; c=1; m=3; Second error is in yo...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

How can I design a PID Controller to stabllize the plant 1/(s^3+1) ? [beginner]
So you have a transfer function G(s) = 1/(s^3+1) and you want to find gains P,I,D for your controller K(s) = P+D*s+I/s. As commo...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 2

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MIMO ss2tf, how do I apply it to a 3x3 system?
You can try using just tf (if you are using one of the newer versions of Matlab) sys = ss(rand(6),rand(6,3),rand(3,6),0); %...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

Plotting circle using angle and radius
Next time, share your code so that we can debug your code. My guess is you angle are from +90 degrees to -90 degrees instead of ...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

Forced step response of a signal
I recommend you look into < lsim()> function, which is a lot more flexible t...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

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Index exceeds number of array elements (1)?
You only define V2(1) in your code and do not increase the size of the V2 variable. So I think you are missing a code in your fo...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

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How to subplot data in a given order?
Below modification will make the subplot in the order presented in the ch_order variable. ch_order = [6 4 2 1 3 5]; fo...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

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how can i find Open loop Transfer Function from Closed loop Transfer Function
From the basics of control theory you should know that for a given system G(s), the closed loop transfer function with unity fe...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 4

Steady state doesn't appear in step response plot
The bad_sys works if you call the step function with; step(minreal(bad_sys/(1+bad_sys))) I am not sure about the exact r...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

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Saving output of for loop in array
There are some mistakes and unclear parts in your code. However, using your code, you can save it as; Pload = linspace (1,2...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

Find the frequency at maximum value in pwelch function
You can obtain the frequency and power vectors from pwelch function. Example; fs = 1e3; t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs; x = sin(2*...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

plot for x^2+y^2==3*x*y^2, x^3-x^2==y^2-y in matlab
syms x y real eq1 = x^2+y^2==3*x*y^2; eq2 = x^3-x^2==y^2-y; figure(1) ezplot(eq1) figure(2) ezplot(eq2) ...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 1

Plotting FFT of several data sets (signals) of same length, in the same graph
y = [] just makes y an empty matrix. It is not a necessary code. I include it in the off chance that you had a variable named y ...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

Listing possible combinations of integers, given constraints (Gear Ratio Related)
One possibility is using an optimization. Here is a simple code for it using OPTI toolbox; clear all,clc % round() is...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

Count two columns with corresponding data
One thing you can do is (assuming you have newer versions of matlab); A = rand(10,2); % the data a1 = A(A(:,1)<0.3,:); ...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

Damping Factor and natural frequency out of time response data
If this is impulse response, you can get the natural frequency by simply finding the time difference between each peak. Invertin...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 2

Interpolate between two signals in Simulink
Here is how linear interpolation works; y1 = 10; % known flow rate for 47500 ft y0 = 2; % known flow rate for 23000 ft...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

Plotting FFT of several data sets (signals) of same length, in the same graph
You put all of the signals you want in a matrix (each column is a different partition of the signal); data = rand(60000,1)...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

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ODE45 not updating a variable of nonlinear 2nd order diff.eq system
The reason is simple. Your dxdt(3) is always equal to 0. You do not have an equation for dxdt(3) in your function other than the...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 1

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How can i measure Angle in 3-D?
Check out this < link> which has the answer.

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

Eulers Method Returning an Answer close but not exactly correct
The reason is simple. The time in your code start from 1 where as online calculators start from 0. If you adjusted your equat...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

How to conditionally solve two ODEs simultaneously using 'if-else' ?
ode45 does not check its values between start and end time. That is why you need to write your own solver or include the ifelse ...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 1

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How to solve the following System of first order differential equations using ode45?please help
First you create your function that outputs derivative of q when time and q are given to it. function qd = asd(t,q) k1...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 1

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