
Dog Statistics
The vectors ht and wt contains the heights and weights of 20 golden retrievers. In some cases, it was not possible to make both ...

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Simpson's Paradox - Calculate correlation coefficients for groups of data
Simpson's Paradox is a statistical phenomenon where groups of data can have a characteristic while the whole data set together h...

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Find the minimum of the column-maximums of a matrix
Given a matrix A, find the maximum value of each column, then return the smallest of those maximum values (ie return the minimum...

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Create an arrow matrix
An arrow matrix is a square matrix that contains ones on the diagonal, the last column, and last row. ...

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Find Closest Constant
Given a number x, return the value that is closest to x from this list of constants: 0, 1, , e, , (also known as ). For exampl...

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Calculate the mean of each half of a matrix
Given a matrix with an even number of columns, n, return a 1-by-2 row vector where the first element is the mean of all the elem...

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Matrix Quadrants
Write a function that takes N as the input, and outputs a matrix whose upper-left (NxN) quadrant contains all ones, the lower-ri...

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Tutorial: Bayesian Optimization
1D and 2D black-box Bayesian optimization demonstration with visualizations.

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 9 Downloads |



Tutorial: Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization
GA and PSO: Code with comments for understanding the algorithms.

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 9 Downloads |



Number Puzzles - 006

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Number Puzzles - 008

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Number Puzzles - 009

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Number Puzzles - 011

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Number Puzzles - 005

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Number Puzzles - 010

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Number Puzzles - 003
Find six non-zero integers a, b, c, d, e, and f which satisfy the following equations: All six integers must be different. Th...

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Number Puzzles - 007

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Number Puzzles - 004
Give an example of three distinct numbers greater than 10 whose both product and sum are palindromes. The answer is not unique a...

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Area of a triangle given its sides

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Mean number of letters per word (Easy)
Given a character array, s, representing a sentence, return a, the arithmetic mean of the number of letters per word in the give...

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Draw the symbol '+'
Draw '+' in an x-by-x matrix (where x is odd and x >3) Example: x = 5 y = [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 ...

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Add the number of horizontal and vertical movements to each matrix element
Given n, create a square matrix and with element (1,1) = 1, add 1 to each element for each horitizonal and vertical movement. E...

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Area of a regular hexagon
Given the length of a side of a regular hexagon, return its area rounded to two decimal places.

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Make a checkerboard matrix
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix made up of alternating ones and zeros as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 1. Examp...

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Add two numbers
Given a and b, return the sum a+b in c.

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what's my tax amount this year ?
given an annual salary x and a tax rate i calculate the amount that you have to pay.Example x = 70000; i=.10 y_correc...

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Height of a 3D Pyramid
If a pyramid is made with one(1). What will be the height of the pyramid of square shaped base(n*n)? where input is n.

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Pairwise column flip
Given matrix *M_in*, flip every pair of columns. So if *M_in* is 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 then *M_out* is 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 ...

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Tribonacci Sequence
Generate the tribonacci sequence upto n

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Total resistance of a network of resistors in series and parallel
What is the total resistance of a network of resistors in series and in parallel? A matrix R contains the resistances (in Ohm) ...

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