
ObjDiff - Generic object comparator
Compares objects of any type inc. Java, Matlab, HG handles, structs, cells & arrays

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1 Download |

Can you programmatically delete text in the editor window?
You can simply update the activeFile.Text property based on your code logic. For example: activeFile.Text = [activeFile.Text(1:...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 2

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Requirement to speed up MATLAB Simulink file
Use the Profiler to discover where your performance hotspots are. It is quite possible that you will discover that it's not in y...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0


AVML - Matlab connector to Alpha-Vantage
Matlab connector to Alpha-Vantage

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 4 Downloads |



cprintf - display formatted colored text in Command Window
Displays sprintf-formatted strings in the Command Window using the specified color/underline style

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 107 Downloads |


Matlab class property specification
Starting in 16a, you can use the new syntax as long as you don't specify the dimensions. In other words, the following 2 propery...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 2

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str2number - Fast replacement for str2num and str2double
Fast replacement for str2num and str2double; converts simple scalar input string(s) to number(s)

fast 3 Jahre vor | 3 Downloads |

Any simple ideas to improve performance of reading long (10 GB scale) .csv file?
If you need to read the entire file for some reason, then try to use parallelization with multiple workers. Each worker would re...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

Operand stack and Execution stack Error using append_pdfs
append_pdfs only accepts PDF input files, not PNG files or any other non-PDF files

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

How to add multiple styles to my uiTree?
This looks like an internal Matlab bug. Specifically, after deleting nodes, the uitree's internal StyleConfigurationStorage prop...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

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how to find brushed data
In the new graphics system (R2014b onward), the brushed data info can be extracted from the hidden/undocumented BrushHandles pro...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 1

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Exporting images (png) through export_fig - painfully slow
Try to either reduce the resolution (the -r450 part), or to save as a vector-graphics image (PDF/EPS) rather than a PNG bitmap.

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 1

How to save very large image to original resolution
Try to use export_fig's sister image-export utility, ScreenCapture:

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0


findjobj - find java handles of Matlab graphic objects
Find java objects contained within a specified java container or Matlab GUI handle

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 42 Downloads |


Can I somehow improve performance of str2double?
I use the following function to convert a cell-array of strings to a cell-array of numeric values (where applicable) - it is ~2-...

fast 4 Jahre vor | 3

Speed issues with Matlab code compiled using SDK compiler for Python
Perhaps your deployed environment is different from your Matlab &D one. For example, perhaps you can access a GPU on the R&D env...

fast 4 Jahre vor | 0

How To Clear Java Heap Space Memory????
Clearing Matlab's Java heap space has been long awaited, but I'm afraid that the suggested submission (Davide Tabarelli's JavaHe...

fast 4 Jahre vor | 3

Import data tool speed
The import tool GUI only shows you a preview of the data, based on the top N lines in the file, it does not read and process the...

fast 4 Jahre vor | 0

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Sets a figure's docking group container

fast 4 Jahre vor | 3 Downloads |


MATLAB Profiler - Granularity of Information
Use the [undocumented] -detail builtin profiler option, as in: profile on -detail builtin This works on old Matlab releases as ...

etwa 4 Jahre vor | 1

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How can I make the plot transparent in a gscattter?
Nice answer Adam, but not exactly accurate if you are willing to use some undocumented features... The underlying objects in a...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 4

MATLAB export_fig crops title
This is fixed in the latest version of export_fig (3.09). In the future, report such issues in export_fig's issues page: https:/...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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How to speed up a code from the Code Profiler Results ?
Try to set the "Vectorized" property using the odeset function, before running ode45. Also, specifying the Jacobian in advance (...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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[Soft question] Tips and tools to analyze unfamiliar OO code
For inspecting a single object or class, try the GUI-based uiinspect utility (

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Heatmap Axis Labels Printing Vertically?
The heatmap's X labels orientation is dynamically determined based on the number of labels and the axes width. In other words, i...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 2


popupPanel Displays a popup panel with specified content
popupPanel Displays a popup panel with specified file contents, help topic, HTML or webpage

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 2 Downloads |


graphics performance 2019a vs 2016b
R2019a uses the integrated axes toolbar, which constantly monitors mouse movements in order to generate data tips on-the-fly. If...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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Poor performance of mex file
You m-function uses parallelization (parfor), while your mex file does not. This in itself could cause your m-code to run much f...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Increase CPU Speed - MAC
You can separate the problem into separate tasks and launch separate Matlab processes to process them in parallel. This is essen...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How can I clear stuck help popups?
Updates June 12, 2020: There is a recognized bug report on a very similar issue:

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 7

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