Running Simulink Model in for loop
I think overall the concept of Model referencing might be of value to you (

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

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I get an error every time I try to connect simulink to the arduino motor encoder included in the engineering kit.
Use this version of the hardware support instead -

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

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I receive the following error message when trying to open the Arduino Engineering Kit library in Simulink
Thanks Nicholas for catching this bug. I did the following and fixed the errors - 1) remove the arduinosensorlib reference i...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

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Controlling a robotic arm from anywhere using IoT
This submission contains all the files needed to control a robotic arm using Simulink, Arduino and ThingSpeak

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 5 Downloads |

(Simulink) How can I communicate with hardware (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, I2C, etc.) in real time?
Here is my attempt to answer the questions that you have - 1) MCUs such as Arduino cannot run "hard" real-time as they do no...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

How can I change the resolution of ''Arduino 2'' from 10 to 12 bit using Matlab?
As of now there is no equivalent from MATLAB support package for Arduino. Here is what I found out for Simulink https://www.math...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

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where is the "build" button in code generation?
I know that the naming convention changed from Build to Deploy to Hardware sometime around 15a - 17a (not sure off the top of my...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1

Updating server code on board Nano3 (COM5). Please wait. How can I solve this?
Create a serial object in MATLAB for the port you are writing data to via your Arduino Sketch. Go through this list of functions...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

I couldnt install Raspberry Pi support package
If you are indeed the administrator of your computer, then you can open MATLAB with administrator access to avoid this issue. I...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

[HELP] How to pass DHT22 data from Arduino to Simulink?
Here is a link that I found -

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

How to import JRodrigoTech/HCSR04 in arduino library
1. Download the zip file from 2. Unpackage the zip into ...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

I am officially lost with S-Function builder
The S-function builder approach is quite old and a little difficult, however if you are really set on using that here is a video...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1

Need help on "###Failed to generate binary output" when deploy to hardware on simulink. Anyone know how to solve this?
Since you are using MATLAB R2017b, I would recommend you to uninstall this support (which was essentially for older versions of ...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

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How can I analyze memory usage of model simulation
When you download the model to the hardware (I have seen this in Arduino and I am guessing it is similar to RPi), View Diagnosti...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

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Uninstall/Reinstall Raspberry Pi support package problem
Try the Manage Add-Ons workflow. Go to MATLAB toolstrip and click on Add-Ons and select Manage Add-Ons. Here uninstall the Simul...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1

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when using my arduino engineeging kit
Type listArduinoLibraries in MATLAB Command Window. This should return something with the {'Arduino/MKRMotorCarrier'} in the ...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

Arduino MKR1000 + Simulink external mode over WiFi
Simulink support package requires the WiFi 101 library to be a specific version - 0.14.3 . Type winopen(arduinoio.IDERoot) if y...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 2

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Can I upload program to arduino using matlab only?.
The current workflow from MATLAB to Arduino is - You upload a server sketch which will make your Arduino respond to requests to ...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 2

Simulink external mode MKR1000 unrecognized board and changing driver when error occurs
If you put the MKR1000 in bootloader mode manually (double pressing the reset button), this *could* help get the COM port number...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 2

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Arduino program convert in MATLAB program?
Is this the resource you are looking for? <> I...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

Swing is not available in Mac High Sierra
I would recommend you reach out to MathWorks Technical support to get accurate information regarding different issues you are ru...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

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Arduino simulink MATLAB function error
Try using the Ultrasonic sensor block in this submission -

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

I want to send a matrix to arduino by matlab but i m unable to open the serial port. using command 'instrfind' i get the status of com3 as close. so fopen() command doesnt execute it gives an error message (Open failed: Port: COM3 ). what to do now?
Clearing the workspace is not sufficient to delete existing connections. Try >> delete(instrfindall) This should delet...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0

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Arduino Mega 2560 cannot read sensor using I2C block in simulink
Based on this link here - It looks like there is some sort of wake up code...

fast 7 Jahre vor | 0

How to use Arduino built in millis() function inside statechart? or other timer function...
According to this page - ...

fast 7 Jahre vor | 0

getpoints function is not saving variables outside of loop
Once you have ran the for loop, without closing the figure try running the following command outside of the for loop. [timeL...

fast 7 Jahre vor | 0

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HC-SR04 Add-On Library for Arduino not working
For these addons to work there are two requirements - 1) You place the 3P libraries in the accurate folder - C:\ProgramData...

fast 7 Jahre vor | 2


"How to program a raspberry pi based Walkie Talkie using MATLAB and Simulink" Webinar Files
Demo files from "How to program a Raspberry Pi based WalkieTalkie using MATLAB and Simulink" webinar

fast 7 Jahre vor | 1 Download |


Heart Rate Detection using Arduino and MATLAB demo files
Demo files used in the video 'Heart Rate Detection using Arduino and MATLAB'

fast 7 Jahre vor | 8 Downloads |

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