How to get a normal box plot graph we get in origin software which consist of box plot with data points scattered and normal distribution curve in MATLAB
Hi Deepan, I understand that you want to create a boxplot with the normal distribution and the datapoints for each category ove...

6 Monate vor | 0

The model should generate 'N' number of editable input boxes using app design in MATLAB.
Hi Radha, I understand that you want to add N editable input fields to an app in App Designer, where N is a user-provided input...

6 Monate vor | 1

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How to run one instance of matlab in linux when opening a .m file
Hi Cyrus, I understand that you want to associate MATLAB files in Linux so that they launch in the same MATLAB instance when do...

6 Monate vor | 0

custom weight,bias(like fullyconnectedlayer) layer
Hi Jaehong, I understand that you are using a custom multi-input layer and receiving an error about unconnected inputs when cre...

7 Monate vor | 0

How to get neurons positions from net
Hi Jorge, I understand that you want the (x, y, z) coordinates of each neuron as they appear in the plot generated by “plotsomp...

7 Monate vor | 0

Showing the distribution of graphs as a bar graph attached to the plot
Hi Kyuwon, I understand that you want to display a bar graph along the right boundary of another plot. The following code can ...

7 Monate vor | 0

Does the Matlab Runtime work on NXP IMX8
Hi Jim, According to an accepted answer (

7 Monate vor | 0

DeepDreamImage for multi input network
Hi Imri, I understand that you are trying to use the “deepDreamImage” function to visualize a neural network with multiple inpu...

7 Monate vor | 0

How can I reduce redundant edges in a Hasse diagram?
Hi Junseo, It is my understanding that you have a Hasse diagram represented as a directed graph and want to remove redundant ed...

7 Monate vor | 1

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Want to use barbellgraph.mat as a mesh
Hi Michelle, I understand that you want to use the data in “barbellgraph.mat” file, used in the example “Partition Graph with L...

7 Monate vor | 0

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Including a Toolbox When Creating a Standalone Application & Packaging it Into a Matlab Runtime Docker Image
Hi Matt, I understand that you’re trying to containerize MATLAB with additional support packages, specifically the support pack...

7 Monate vor | 0

create a new deep learning network with two inputs, one is imageinput, the other is sequence input, but deep learning network analyzer makes error that Incompatible layer type
Hi, I am assuming that you’re using MATLAB R2021b or earlier. It is not possible to combine a Recurrent Neural Network and a C...

7 Monate vor | 0

I am getting ''Error using classreg.learning.FullClassificationRegressionModel.prepareDataCR '' error in diabetic retinopahty classification code
Hi @Senanur Özdemir, I understand that you're trying to use VGG-16 as a feature extractor for your images and then use an SVM c...

7 Monate vor | 0

How to change the default loss function from "crossentropyex" to "crossentropy" using the pixelClassificationLayer in MATLAB?
Hi @Gobert, Unfortunately, the LossFunction property of the pixelClassificationLayer is read-only and cannot be changed. What y...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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Find roots of quadratic matrix polyunomial
Hi @Andrea Baleani, Please try the following code. This uses the fsolve function to solve the equation numerically.: % Define ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

WAIT timeout on image acquisition toolbox
Hi @AT_HYZ, Could you try uncommenting the set() line that changes the timeout for v? That will set the timeout to 600 seconds ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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Datetimes in table not displayed
Hi @Dennis, I am assuming that your datetimes are in a 401x1 cell array, where each row in the cell array is a vector of dateti...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

How to include specific rows and columns of matrices into a zero matrix
Hi @Stefano Russo, You can do this as shown: A=zeros(2,8); V=[1 4 7]; M=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16]; A(:, V) ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

write a recursive palindrome function but the error is always not enough input arguments
Hi @Christine, Please use the following function. Your code is missing an end to end the function defintion. There are also log...

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Inserting a comment before the pdf report of the execution of a matlab.unittest.TestCase function
Hi Marco, Please take a look at this resource and see if it helps you out: Plugin to Generate Custom Test Output Format - MATLA...

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Can I use the Matlab function called "dice" to compare two histograms (or discrete probability distributions)?
Hi Sim I am not sure if the dice function can be used to compare two histograms, but you can use the function pdist2 to get a s...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 1

how to validate a simulink model?
Hi Ashutosh, Please take a look at the following resource for information on Model Validation: Model Validation. Please revert ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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Calculate the average of each matrix block
Hi Lama, You can use something similar to a convolution operation in Machine Learning. You can start by creating a "filter", wh...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

How to add a dropdown component in a single cell of a table in app designer?
Hi Alessandro, Please see the following code snippet to add a dropdown to a particular cell: % Drop Down Options options = ca...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 1

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generate a string with the numbers 1:999
Hi, Alberto Please try the following code: row_number = 1:999; column_number = row_number.'; conversion_column_number = stri...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 1

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XCP timeout error in MATLAB Simulink when trying to monitor code on Nucleo STM32G431RB
Hi Max, It can be possible that the COM port specified (COM3) in the Connectivity Tab in Configuration Parameters > Hardware Im...

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How to plot points on map axes with varying colors using scatterm?
Hi Samuel, I think the issue is with the way the depth array is being passed. When you're passing colors as a m-by-1 vector, ea...

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how to create for loop in below formula
Hi, Devaki You can use the following code, which generalizes it to a vector of any size: % Declare an array of the variables ...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0