Finding whether set of coordinates are within a bounding box set by a condition
Can't you just create an interpolant for your elevation and query the interpolant at your desired coordinates. It's then trivial...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

selection files from part of his name
Patterns for strfind and its recommended replacement contains don't support wildcard characters such as * and ?. In any case, th...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

Creating a random matrix with specific values?
valueset = [0, 90, 180]; desiredsize = [1, 100]; desiredmatrix = valueset(randi(numel(valueset), desiredsize))

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

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How to generate new vector and replace certain elements?
Nearly got it: meanV = mean(V); %save the mean in a new variable to avoid calculating it more than once V(V > meanV) = V(V > ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

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Matrix dimensions must agree error
First, do not use eval. It's not the cause for your problem here but it's a very dangerous tool which typically makes it harder ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

Removing Short Runs from Binary Data
The desired one-liner: %demo data A = [1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0] %should result in % [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

How to delete a .csv in my directory
delete subfolder\filename.csv %relative path to current directory But you shouldn't rely on the main directory and instead use...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

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Grouping calculated values of for loops together
I'm not entirely clear on what you mean by boxplot nor what you're trying to achieve since none of the pieces of code you posted...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

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Convert grayscale CMYK to RGB
I have some images of fish scales that are CMYK gray Not according to the metadata: >> imfinfo('example_img.TIF') ans = ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

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How do I add an Excel spreadsheet as part of my Matlab UI?
The only way you could do this is with an activex control but my understanding is that microsoft no longer offer an activex spre...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

dec2base working differently on a matrix than on individual values
From your screenshot, it looks like you've typed: >> message_Image_R_bin at the command window and scrolled back up until the ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 2

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how to compare two text file and sort the lines of one of them with respect of another one ?
So, it will go something like this:]( %read the files. Not enough details given to give exact syntax. Something like this shoul...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

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0×1 empty double column vector
a) If you want to generate integers between 0 and 19 use: auswahl = randi([0 19], 100, 1); %use randi to generate random integ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

Sharing data between callback functions
"The issue with imread is that I need to access the file that was chosen in another callback function. So I am not sure how to g...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

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Need better resolution in my plot!
I'm a bit confused. I still have no idea which bits of code are relevant. Still can't run example.m and I'm unclear what to to d...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

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WebRead CSV Missing Rows show in browser
If I try to download the file from your link, using a web browser, I only get a few rows. Considering that when you visit the ma...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

I just need to draw that line inside these objects. This line should aproximate these
Maybe skeleton = bwskel(imclose(yourimage, strel('diamond', 2)))

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

Create new matrix with compine values
First, don't store your matrices in individual variables, it complicates everything. Since they're all the same size store them ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

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How to make a 3D plot of 41x41x41 datapoints
If you have the image processing toolbox, the easiest would be: volshow(your3Dmatrix)

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

Comparing data sets with similar trends
It depends on what you call similar. If I understood correctly, here you could transform your path in a vector of left and righ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

Converting cell array that contains numbers and characters to double with numbers and NaN for characters
First, use readtable instead of xlsread. It will automatically detect that the first row is a header and use that to name the va...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

Finding which rows in table contain NaN, save those as new table
Assuming your input is a table: nantable = yourtable(isnan(yourtable{:, 5}), :) %keep all rows whose 5th column is nan

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

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Saving the selected .mat file and write it into csv
Assuming that is a matrix with 3 columns, the simplest way to save to csv is with: writetable(array2table(...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

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Matrices in a matrix.
First thing: a matrix of matrices does not exist mathematically, so what you're asking is an impossibility. In matlab, you can s...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

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How to convert characters in a table into numbers
a) There's rarelly any need of table2cell or table2array. These are usually used by people who don't know how to index into tabl...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

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How can i make array with strings ?
Note that strictly speaking you're not creating strings but char vectors. You may actually prefer generating strings which are e...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 2

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How to save imshowpair figure using imwrite?
No, no, no, don't use print or saveas, this is possibly going to rescale your image, change the the colour depth, etc. A simple...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 5

Need help to delete garbage values from a Matrix
First, as pointed out by David, your co de doesn't take into account the properties of floating point numbers. I would strongly...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

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Get the value of a cell that is in the same row of matching cell in excel to matlab
readtable should be capable of finding the data range on its own, so use that to import your data. Then for merging, simply us...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

Find that max and its index for data with multiple data values per index
There a many functions you can use for this (accumarray, splitapply, etc.) but with any of them you're going to have to build a ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 0

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