Power over the total bandwidth doesn't equal the sum of powers over the sub-bandwidths
You can't do those operations in "logarithm world". You should convert it to linear using db2pow (if power unit) or db2mag (if v...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

How to get the max value between two elements of two separate arrays?
Try this... a= [1,3,4,6]; b= [2,2,5,4]; max([a;b])

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1

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How do I add a draw rectangle function to an image app?
Hey... you have to show your image in an uiaxes and create a handle to your ROI as property of the app, so you can draw your ROI...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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Take last n elements in vector
Try this... a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; N = 3; % user_input range_a = a(end-N+1:end)

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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splash screen for compiled application goes away before application launches
This an old question, but... (1) Unfortunately, there is no solution yet. I dealt with this by developing a splash screen app i...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 2

Index in position 1 is invalid Problem
Try this... x = [0,240,480]; y = [1200,0,0]; Fcn_AddThings = str2func('@(x,y) x.^2 - 2*y'); Fcn_AddThings(x, y) Fcn_AddTh...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Unable to use UDP when using a standalone executable
Firewall. No doubt about it! :) Just add your app (not Matlab, but your deployed app) in "white list" of the firewall. See imag...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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Display one axes across multiple figures
No. you can't, but copyobj will do the job, right? And you can use addlistener to help you handle the update process of all your...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Extract fields from struct and convert to excel file
Try this... data = struct('ISPC_together', 0.2053, 'GSI_together', 0.0172); data(2) = struct('ISPC_together', 0.0243, 'GSI_...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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How to respond to update of axis data?
Hey @bethel o, yeah, it's possible. "YData" is not a property of figure or axes, ok? fig = figure; ax1 = axes(fig); h = plo...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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Plot data with months on X and numerical value on Y
See image below...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

How to save a fig file and re-open it with the same figure number?
Try this! f = figure(1000); ax = axes(f); plot(ax, randn(1001, 1)) % Let's create some data visualization! savefig(f,'figu...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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Changing variable from appdesigner in matlab script
You can use assignin to send the variable to Matlab base workspace. % Suppose that you have a variable named "app.myVariable" ...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1

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MATLAB 2022a copyobj not working properly
What release are you using?! I tested in R2021b and its ok. See app attached.

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

How to capture frame (image) using webcam at specific time interval (e.g. at 100ms or 10 frames per second) in matlab app designer?
Wow... it is simple, but you have a lot of code to write. :) You need to create some properties in your app to store the images...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1

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Confused how to run a loop for each individual value of Nd1?
I don't know if it is exactaly what you want, but... Nd1 is an array, so you have to acess every element in your array to do th...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Could not recognize the format of the date/time text
You can't. The precision of datetime is milliseconds, but you can use regexp. inData = "07/04/2021 07:55:27.502.118"; regData...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

How to make deployed program directory not read only
In this case you should use AppData as default installation folder (see below). If this is not a solution, then you should put i...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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How to create a log_file.txt that stores my outputs and variables?
You have a lot of possibilities - writetable OR writematrix OR writecell OR save.... See the functions documentation. % if you...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Multiple y axis on app designer
I think you can create an invisble figure (the old one) and use copyobj to copy the lines for your uiaxes. Or you can create you...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1

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App Developer - Mouse Hovering Over Surf Plot in UIAxes Causes Extreme Lag
Mouse over the plot will not affect the performance of the plot if you disable interactions. Try this at the startup of your s...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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How to create ROI object handle?
Replace imrect for images.roi.Rectangle. See the first example of the doc -

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Hide axis from plot with image
fig = figure; ax1 = subplot(2,2,[1,3], 'Parent', fig); I = imread("YourImage.png"); image(ax1, I) set(ax1, 'XTickLabel',...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1

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Matlab App Erroneously detecting infinite loop
It sounds like a limitation of the foor loops. For example, if you create e for loop from 1 to a BigNumberAlmostInfinite you wil...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

App timer slows when mousing over plot
uifigure is not the best idea if you are looking for performance... see other posts about it and maybe you gonna use the old fig...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1

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App starts without all components populated or being ready to use
I had this issue... so... (1) Open your app (all .mlap files) in the AppDesigner of this new release of Matlab, save it and the...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Add just one checkbox node to a TREE (app designer)
No. Each type of Tree object supports a different set of properties. For a full list of properties and descriptions for each ty...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Can I Use MinPeakProminence and MinPeakDistance at the same time?
Yeah, sure. It's possible. Take a look at documentation of findpeaks. If you specify a location vector, x, then 'MinPeakWidth'...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Store prime and non-prime numbers in two diferent vectors from a .txt
% x = load('Natural_numbers.txt'); x = [1, 11, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 44]; idx = isprime(x); Prime = x(idx) nonPri...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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Round to nearest ones place value ex ante
Lim_down = 3700; Lim_up = 3706; x = randi([Lim_down Lim_up]) Lim_center = mean([Lim_down, Lim_up]); if x < Lim_c...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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