How to create tiledlayout grid in vertical order
The tiles are always numbered by row, column, but you can plot into the tiles in whatever order you want by specifying the tile ...

9 Monate vor | 0

eci2lla altitude error?
lla = eci2lla([-6.07 -1.28 0.66]*1e6,[2010 1 17 10 20 36]); lat = lla(1) lon = lla(2) So, this point is slightly above the E...

9 Monate vor | 0

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Trouble with date conversion
As @Stephen23 said, it is better to keep the date and time as a datetime array. See below. opts = delimitedTextImportOptions; ...

9 Monate vor | 2

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Matlab online problems - doesn't use startup.m, ignores setpath, forgets preferences
The command to save the search path is savepath (all one word). save path (two words) will save your workspace variables to a fi...

9 Monate vor | 0

For loop plotting all values in one graph, how do I create separate plots for my for loop values
In your loop you are only ever plotting into Figure(1). See updates below. % Mesh Grid in (Diamtoms(D),Zooplankton(P))-plane ...

9 Monate vor | 1

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Define an equation in the html file for custom documentation
If you create your help html file(s) using this approach (from the link you referenced): Create a live script (*.mlx) and export...

9 Monate vor | 0

Don't know how to put set of numbers in equation
a = 1; % made up values - replace with the real ones e2 = 0.1; fi = [0 3 13 23 33 34 43 53 63 73 83 90]; N = a ./ (sqrt(1-e2 ...

9 Monate vor | 1

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How to append text and numbers into a title
You were so close, but you can't use + to concatenate character vectors, use strings instead. I changed the single quotes to do...

9 Monate vor | 1

why does the figure doesnt show the two vectors?
It looks like it is working to me (see below). What are you expecting and how is that different from the results you are seeing...

9 Monate vor | 1

How to stop this error from occurring every time I try to open a function or script in matlab?
Please enter the following command in the Command Window and make sure that the output looks similar to that shown here (all of ...

9 Monate vor | 0

How to generate three figures to fill the screen (distributed vertically)?
When you specify the 'Position' of a figure, that does not include the window title bar, menu, and tool strip, only the part of ...

9 Monate vor | 0

Why are my plots for K values and initial conditions all the same colour even with hold on
Because you told Matlab to make all of the lines black. For example, the 'k' in this command means "make the lines black": pl...

9 Monate vor | 1

Why does Simulink step response simulation not match step function output from MATLAB?
It appears to have the same gain as your Matlab step response. The steady state response appears to be about 0.62 for a unit st...

9 Monate vor | 1

How do I select a file to open from folder rather than typing in the csv file name into the code?
Check the documentation on uigetfile which will return the filename and, if you use the two output version, the path to the file...

9 Monate vor | 1

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smoothing datasets containg nan
Interestingly, the default window size for the 'sgolay' smoothing method in the smoothdata function generates smoothed data that...

9 Monate vor | 0

How to auto save workspace variable with specific path and filename without Popup?
Have you tried using save? For example: d = 'Sunday'; y = 2017; filepath = 'E:\Matlab\'; filename = 'Data'; save(fullfile(f...

9 Monate vor | 1

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'problemset4pt1' requires more input arguments to run
How are you calling the function? You can't just press the green Run triangle in the editor for a function that requires input ...

9 Monate vor | 0

how to convert absolute time to real time and calculate the sampling rate
load metaData_Depth fn = @(s) datetime(s.AbsTime); dt = arrayfun(fn, metaData_Depth) delta_t = seconds(diff(dt)) max(delta_t...

9 Monate vor | 0

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Sublot function is not working
Rename "/MATLAB Drive/subplot.m" to some other name. If you issue this command at the command prompt you should only see one ou...

9 Monate vor | 0

How to plot the best fitted ellipse or circle?
xy = load("EllipseData.mat"); x = xy.x(:,1); y = xy.x(:,2); rho = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2); theta = atan2(y,x);...

9 Monate vor | 1

how to smooth data
You aren't going to get very good smoothing with such a small amount of data, but here is one possibility (of many): data = [ ....

9 Monate vor | 0

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Save text of script in .mat file?
I suppose that one option would be to read the file contents into a string array and save that to your mat file. For example: ...

9 Monate vor | 1

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A compact way to replace zeros with Inf in a matrix
If you want to retain the non-zero elements of A and replace the zeros with Inf, then this is how I would suggest that you do th...

10 Monate vor | 3

Where has TODO/FIXME reports gone?
It has been moved to the menu you get when you click the Switch Windows button:

10 Monate vor | 0

Read data with repeat counts
Here is one approach. data_strings = ["750.013"; "2*748.943"; "2*748.221"] % sample input data iData = 1; for iStr = 1:numel(...

10 Monate vor | 1

day and month inverted in the time scaling
If you created your "time x array" by reading strings from a text file, for example, you need to specify the 'InputFormat' argum...

10 Monate vor | 2

Optimize live plotting with a large data set
You definitely don't want to call plot repeatedly inside your loop. Here is a suggested approach where I created the plot outsi...

11 Monate vor | 0

Problem 568. Number of 1s in a binary string
The find() function returns the index of all non-zero elements in the input. ASCII characters (like '0' and '1') are all non-ze...

11 Monate vor | 0

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I have a problem with my code
You have the following important line in your code commented out (the definition of the solve_friction_factor() function). Unco...

11 Monate vor | 0

Matrix to Scalar Problem
t=0:3:60;%seconds Pos0=1;%position <<< Pos0 can't be zero since you divide by Wd*Pos0 when calculating alfa Vel0=0;%velocity ...

11 Monate vor | 1

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