Modeling a Thrust Vector Controlled Rocket in Simulink

Code in this repository is discussed in a BPS.Space YouTube video on modeling a thrust vector controlled rocket in Simulink
Aktualisiert 30. Nov 2020

Code in this repository is discussed in this BPS.Space YouTube video on modeling a thrust vector controlled rocket in Simulink - . Thrust Vectoring or Thrust Vector control is the ability of an aircraft or a rocket's propulsion system to manipulate the direction of its thrust to control the rocket or aircrafts attitude or angular velocity.

To use the files,

1. Clone the repository as seen here

2. Open simpleTVCRocketModel.slx

3. Click the appropriate hyperlink to choose between a simple Aerospace Blockset or Simscape implementation

4. Move the Gimbal angle slider to see the effect of different gimbal angles on the trajectory of the rocket.

Zitieren als

MathWorks Student Competitions Team (2024). Modeling a Thrust Vector Controlled Rocket in Simulink (, GitHub. Abgerufen .

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