Conversion of Spherical Coordinates to UTM Coordinates

GUI allows you convert spherical coordinates to UTM coordinates
Aktualisiert 12. Sep 2012

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This function displays a window (a little GUI) that you can use to do the conversion of the longitude and latitude coordinates to UTM coordinates. You can choose different ellipsoids to execute the conversion.

[ x,y,utmzone ] = UTM(instruccion)

Latitude, Longitude coordinates.

X, Y , Utm zone.

It's only necessary to run the function.

Author: Gabriel Ruiz Martinez, Civil Engineer.
v1.1 Abril/05

Zitieren als

Gabriel Ruiz-Martinez (2024). Conversion of Spherical Coordinates to UTM Coordinates (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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Updated to include an App file for R2012b