
Version 1.5.11 (972 KB) von Pariterre
Easy to use C3D reader/writer in C++, Python and Matlab
Aktualisiert 19. Aug 2024
Easy to use library to read and write/modify C3D files. C3D files are widely used in the field of biomechanics and community lacks of easy solution to deal with them. EZC3D addresses this problem by providing a C++, Python and MATLAB easy solution for all your c3d manipulation.
Please refer to the readme and the documentation for more informations.
NOTE: You can now download the compiled binaries from the release page of ezc3d: https://github.com/pyomeca/ezc3d/releases/latest

Zitieren als

Pariterre (2024). ezc3d (https://github.com/pyomeca/ezc3d), GitHub. Abgerufen .

Michaud, Benjamin, and Mickaël Begon. ezc3d: An Easy C3D File I/O Cross-Platform Solution for C++, Python and MATLAB. Zenodo, 2021, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.4553333.

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Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2018a
Kompatibel mit R2018a bis R2018b
Windows macOS Linux
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Bunch of new features are now available, see the release notes of ezc3d


See Github for notices


The 1.4.2 version correspond to the version of the JOSS paper


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