movcorr(x, y, k, varargin): Compute windowed correlation coefficient

Compute a moving correlation for two vectors x & y in analogy to the MOV* functions.
Aktualisiert 14. Dez 2017

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Computes the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient r over a moving window for two vectors x & y. This is
basically a wrapper to MOVSUM and the low-memory overhead computation of r. See second formula in

Zitieren als

David J. Mack (2024). movcorr(x, y, k, varargin): Compute windowed correlation coefficient (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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Erstellt mit R2015a
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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

- Now returns NaN for zero-variances, to be consistent with CORR.

- Output n to return the local window sizes (useful for computing partial correlations).
- Name-value input 'MinN' to control how many samples are needed in a local window to compute r.

Fix in input parser.
- Name-value input 'Tail' and according p-value output.
- Now uses INPUTPARSER. Changes error messages for invalid inputs.
- Erroneous window size computation when using k = [nB, nF].
- Complex output when using numeric endpoints.

Forgot file update
Computation of r with NaNs + omitnan flag now gives same results as CORR(...,'Rows','pairwise').

Added ML-FEX ID to description.