Dynamic Gauss seidel iterative method for solving any set of linear equations

A dynamic iterative approach to solving linear equations using the Gauss seidel method
Aktualisiert 9. Jun 2015

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This code can be used to solve for any sets of linear equations. One has to entter the number of equations to be solved first. Then you only have to enter the tolerance range(whic basically is just an error limit) as well as the coefficients of the equations and the right hand values of the equations(basically what the equation is equal to). Each of this is done one equation at a time. One then has to enter the initial guesses after finishing entering the parameters of the equations.
This is a solution to most problems that fellow academics have.
Thank you for appreciating me.

Zitieren als

Hiskiel Stephanus (2024). Dynamic Gauss seidel iterative method for solving any set of linear equations (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/51130-dynamic-gauss-seidel-iterative-method-for-solving-any-set-of-linear-equations), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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