
Compute spectral analysis and automatic artifact detection
Aktualisiert 27. Feb 2015

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Spectral and coherence analysis program designed for sleep researchers that have sleep staging information.
SpectralTrainFig is a graphical user interface that allows a user to select a folder of EDF/XML files to apply spectral analysis to electroencephlography signals (EEG). The spectral analysis program includes a spectral threshold artifact detection scheme described in the literature. SpectralTrainFig is a user friendly approach to the SpectralAnalysisClass function. The GUI versions allows a user to perform spectral or coherence analysis without having to do any programming.

SpectralTrainFig is designed to work with data available by the National Sleep Research Resource

See the GITHUB information for source code, documentation, examples and a getting started guide.

Zitieren als

Dennis A. Dean, II, Ph.D. (2024). SpectralTrainFig (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/49852-spectraltrainfig), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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Erstellt mit R2013b
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