UTide Unified Tidal Analysis and Prediction Functions
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Unified Tidal Analysis and Prediction Using the “UTide” Matlab Functions
* Designed specifically to handle record times that are irregularly distributed and/or gappy.
* Suitable for multi-year analyses: accurate nodal/satellite corrections are not limited to record lengths shorter than 1-2 years.
* Can provide easy-to-use and comprehensive diagnostics to aid the constituent selection process.
* Handles sea level (amplitude and phase), or currents (current ellipse parameters), with similar syntax.
* Generates confidence intervals based on spectra (FFT for regular times, Lomb-Scargle for irregular times) of the residuals between the raw input and the harmonic fit.
* Incorporates the robust L1/L2 solution method to minimize influence of outliers.
* Enables analysis of groups of time sequences (such as records from an array of instruments, or from a group of model gridpoints) with one m-function call.
* Builds on, and integrates in to a common framework, the t_tide (Pawlowicz et al 2002), r_t_tide (Leffler and Jay 2009), and "versatile" (Foreman et al 2009) approaches.
* Flexible interface with mix-and-match choices of analysis configurations accessible by arguments to m-functions.
* Download the m-files together with the technical report / user’s manual describing them here: ftp://www.po.gso.uri.edu/pub/downloads/codiga/utide/UTideCurrentVersion.zip
Technical Report / User’s Manual:
Codiga, D.L., 2011. Unified Tidal Analysis and Prediction Using the UTide Matlab Functions. Technical Report 2011-01. Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI. 59pp.
Also note:
1. The file UTideCurrentVersion.zip, containing the m-files, is also available at ResarchGate (researchgate.net)
2. For a python adaptation see: https://github.com/wesleybowman/UTide
Zitieren als
Daniel Codiga (2025). UTide Unified Tidal Analysis and Prediction Functions (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/46523-utide-unified-tidal-analysis-and-prediction-functions), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.
Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
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Inspiriert: ThingSpeak Tidal and Wind Surge Forecasting Example, CTSM_UTide
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Version | Veröffentlicht | Versionshinweise | |
---|---|---|---| | Added link to python adaptation.