Vertices and faces matrices generation for rectangular prisms

Vertices and faces matrices generation for rectangular prisms
Aktualisiert 23. Okt 2012

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%GEN_VERT generating vertices and faces matrices for a rectangular surface mesh.
%[vert faces] = gen_vert (ms_x,ms_y,ms_z,inc_x,inc_y,inc_z) or
%[vert faces] = gen_vert (ms_x,ms_y,inc_x,inc_y)
%ms_x,ms_y and ms_z are the maximum x y z limits for the coordinate and
%inc_x, inc_y, inc_z are the unit lengths that essentialy determines the mesh element size.
%vert is the vertices coordinates and faces are the faces matrix that maps
%the vertices for using in patch function for instance.

Zitieren als

Bilen Oytun Peksel (2024). Vertices and faces matrices generation for rectangular prisms (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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