Legacy MATLAB and Simulink Support for Arduino
MATLAB® class and Simulink® blocks for communicating with an Arduino board
NOTE: This solution (formerly known as "Arduino IO Package") is no longer supported. It is recommended that you use Arduino support packages that are developed and supported by MathWorks:
MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware: Interactively read, write, and analyze data from Arduino sensors http://www.mathworks.com/hardware-support/arduino-matlab.html
Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware: Develop algorithms that run standalone on your Arduino http://www.mathworks.com/hardware-support/arduino-simulink.html
Use this legacy support only if one of the following is true:
- You are using MATLAB R2013b or earlier (but not earlier than R2011a).
- You are using unsupported Arduino clones which won't work with the official packages (e.g. ChipKit32)
Sample usage:
%-- connect to the board a = arduino('COM9')
%-- specify pin mode a.pinMode(4,'input'); a.pinMode(13,'output');
%-- digital i/o a.digitalRead(4) % read pin 4 a.digitalWrite(13,0) % write 0 to pin 13
%-- analog i/o a.analogRead(5) % read analog pin 5 a.analogWrite(9, 155) % write 155 to analog pin 9
%-- serial port a.serial % get serial port a.flush; % flushes PC's input buffer a.roundTrip(42) % sends 42 to the arduino and back
%-- servos a.servoAttach(9); % attach servo on pin #9 a.servoWrite(9,100); % rotates servo on pin #9 to 100 degrees val=a.servoRead(9); % reads angle from servo on pin #9 a.servoDetach(9); % detach servo from pin #9
%-- encoders a.encoderAttach(0,3,2) % attach encoder #0 on pins 3 (pin A) and 2 (pin B) a.encoderRead(0) % read position a.encoderReset(0) % reset encoder 0 a.encoderStatus; % get status of all three encoders a.encoderDebounce(0,12) % sets debounce delay to 12 (~1.2ms) a.encoderDetach(0); % detach encoder #0
%-- adafruit motor shield (with AFMotor library) a.motorRun(4, 'forward') % run motor forward a.stepperStep(1, 'forward', 'double', 100); % move stepper motor
%-- close session delete(a)
Some slides and examples related to this package can be found here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27843
Finally, more detailed info about use and troubleshooting can be found in the readme.txt file contained in this submission.
Zitieren als
Giampiero Campa (2025). Legacy MATLAB and Simulink Support for Arduino (https://github.com/giampy1969/legacy-matlab-and-simulink-support-for-arduino/releases/tag/v1.15.0.0), GitHub. Abgerufen.
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Inspiriert: Sphero Connectivity Package, I2C block for ArduinoIO simulink package
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Version | Veröffentlicht | Versionshinweise | |
---|---|---|---| | See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/giampy1969/legacy-matlab-and-simulink-support-for-arduino/releases/tag/v1.15.0.0 |
|| | Added spaces to enhance readability
|| | Improved handling of mega-related pins from Simulink ADIO blocks. Also added instruction (in the readme.txt file) on how to use the official stepper.h Arduino library with this package. |
|| | Reorganized sketch handling and examples, improved docs and added support for Adafruit Motor Shield V2. |
|| | Encoder debouncing function added |
|| | 1) Simulink library now handles pre-existing Arduino objects
|| | Minor fixes and improvements, mainly for the MEGA and ChipKIT32 boards. |
|| | Minor fixes to demo mode for servo handling |
|| | * Minor changes to readme, Simulink example models, and .pde files
|| |