Acoustic 3D Ray Tracing

Importing a 3D scene as an 'stl' file, obtaining the transfer func from point to any point within the scene and rendering the sound out.
Aktualisiert 8. Mai 2024

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An iPhone can be utilized to generate a 3D scan of a room, producing a file with an "stl" extension. These STL files can be imported into MATLAB®, where a sound source and microphone location can be designated within the 3D environment. By employing the ray tracing function, it is possible to calculate the delay and phase profile, which represents the arrival times of various audio wavefronts at the microphone. The impact of these early reflections can be modeled using an FIR filter. Additionally, Sabine's formula allows for the estimation of the room's reverberation time, which characterizes the late-arriving wavefronts. This reverberation can be simulated with the reverberator function. Integrating these components, a WAV file can be processed to simulate the sound as it would be recorded from any location within the room.

Zitieren als

Francis Tiong (2024). Acoustic 3D Ray Tracing (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2024a
Kompatibel mit R2023a und späteren Versionen
Windows macOS Linux
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