Mollier chart

Version 1.0.0 (999 KB) von engdancili
Draws a Mollier chart in MATLAB and calculate drying rate for solid materials.
Aktualisiert 26. Aug 2023

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Mollier chart

Draws a Mollier chart in MATLAB and calculate drying rate for solid materials.

To get an example chart it is sufficient to call the function mollier without arguments. image

Additionally, it is possible to choose the relative humidity and specific enthalpy lines to be drawn, as well as the ambient pressure, the range of temperature defining the axis limits, and the properties of the flows.

Includes a MATLAB script (drying_example.m) for an application of the Mollier chart to calculate the drying rate of a non-porous, wet solid and a MATLAB live script (drying_example.mlx) with the theory used to develop the code, the same numerical example of the script and an advanced, interactive example. The same live script has been converted to pdf (drying_example.pdf) for documentation purposes.

Requires the label package by Chad Greene, included with a license in this repository.

Zitieren als

engdancili (2024). Mollier chart (, GitHub. Abgerufen .

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2022b
Kompatibel mit R2012b und späteren Versionen
Windows macOS Linux
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