
% Compute the transformed normal strains % Compute the transformed shear strain % Compute the maximum principal normal strain
Aktualisiert 23. Apr 2023

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% Computes the plane-strain transformation, principal normal strains, maximum in-plane shear strain, average strain, and minimum and maximum shear strains for a 2D strain state
% Inputs:
% - epsilon_x: the normal strain in the x-direction
% - epsilon_y: the normal strain in the y-direction
% - gamma_xy: the shear strain in the xy-direction
% Outputs:
% - epsilon_xp: the normal strain in the x'-direction
% - epsilon_yp: the normal strain in the y'-direction
% - gamma_xyp: the shear strain in the x'y'-direction
% - epsilon_max: the maximum principal normal strain
% - gamma_max: the maximum in-plane shear strain
% - epsilon_avg: the average normal strain
% - gamma_minmax: the minimum (gamma_min) and maximum (gamma_max) shear strains

Zitieren als

Anil Taha Balkir (2024). plane_strain_transform (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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Erstellt mit R2023a
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