libpcap tools for MATLAB

Provides some functions to work with *.pcap-files.
Aktualisiert 30. Mär 2022

MATLAB tools for libpcap

Provides some functions to work with *.pcap-files.



  • read_pcap_file reads a pcap-file into the set of structures for further analysis.
  • parse_ethernet_frame splits the captured Ethernet frame into a structure describing its header and the bytes array representing the frame's payload.
  • parse_ipv4_packet does the same for the IPv4 packets extracted from the frames.
  • parse_udp_packet does the same for the UPD packets extracted from the IPv4 packets.


  • pcap_file_reading_example reads the file example_pcap_file.pcap with the captured pseudo-random UDP packets and parses them.


MATLAB 2021b or newer.

View MATLAB tools for libpcap on File Exchange

Zitieren als

Andrey Smolyakov (2024). libpcap tools for MATLAB (, GitHub. Abgerufen .

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2021b
Kompatibel mit R2019b und späteren Versionen
Windows macOS Linux

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