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Do not have sufficient access permissions for the Matlab application folder to change the file /Applicati​ons/MATLAB​_R2010a.ap​p/toolbox/​local/clas​spath.txt

11 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
One of our staff is trying to install the free Matlab psychtoolbox into his installation of Matlab R2010a (32bit) under Mac OS X. His macOS X account is an administrator but he gets the following error message when attempting to install the toolbox:
"Either you have a very old Matlab version which does not support JAVA or, most likely, you do not have sufficient access permissions for the Matlab application folder to change the file /Applications/ . Please ask the system administrator to enable write-access to that file and repeat the update procedure. Alternatively, ask the administrator to add the following line: /Applications/Psychtoolbox/PsychJava to the file: /Applications/
If you skip this step, Psychtoolbox will still be mostly functional, with exception of the Java-based commands ListenChar, CharAvail, GetChar and FlushEvents on Linux, MacOS-X and M$-Windows in Java mode. For more info see 'help PsychJavaTrouble'."
Any ideas what the issue may be here?
We could login as the root user to do this but normally this isn't necessary for just adding local software such as the "psychtools" toolbox. any ieads you could give would be most helpful.
Thank you
Kind regards

Antworten (4)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 16 Jun. 2011
Use sudo and your favorite editor to edit the noted file and add that line.
In my OS-X experience, adding an application to /Applications requires root privileges more often than not.

Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta am 16 Jun. 2011
Another temporary solution might be to use javaaddpath ('path to the JAR file') once MATLAB starts up.
You can even put that in the startup.m to do it automatically!
OS-X will require you to sudo as Walter suggests.

Jason Ross
Jason Ross am 16 Jun. 2011
If you look at the permissions on that file using "ls -l", you should be able to see who can write to it. If root owns it and the permissions only allow owner to write to it, then you'll need to either become root, or chmod it. If you can become root, I'd recommend that route.
Or you can edit it using sudo, as Walter suggests.

sagar kotecha
sagar kotecha am 12 Feb. 2012
Hey, may be you have to change your access permission, do as given
  • Right click on classpath.txt file
  • click on properties-->
  • click on Security-->
  • Selct current user-->
  • click on Edit-->
  • click on Current user-->
  • Mark Full Control-->
  • click apply-->
  • click ok
Now try
  1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 12 Feb. 2012
I'm on a OS-X system right now. Could you remind me how I right-click on a system with no mouse and a single-button track-pad?
Did they do a major redesign of the file information window in Lion? Mine looks like this:

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