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Need help plotting error bars to my data on a line plot

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I'm having difficulty plotting error bars along the line plot of my data.
I'm getting the following error:
Error using errorbar>checkSingleInput (line 272)
YNegativeDelta must be empty or the same size as YData.
Error in errorbar (line 135)
yneg = checkSingleInput(neg, sz, 'YNegativeDelta');
Error in Experiment1_ParticipantLearningRate_Figure2 (line 41)
errorbar(y, eb_interval, allsubs_cond0_stderr)
Below is the script I'm using. For added context, allsubs_response_cond0_trials and allsubs_response_cond1_trials are both 120 x 40 matrices that represent the probability correct from 120 trials of 40 participants.
%%%Participant Learning Rate Figure%%%
%Creates Figure and plots data
figure; plot((smooth(mean(allsubs_response_cond0_trials, 2))),'LineWidth',2);
hold on
plot((smooth(mean(allsubs_response_cond1_trials, 2))),'LineWidth',2);
%Creates title
title('Participant Learning Curve')
%Creates legend in bottom-left corner
legend({'Concrete First','Abstract First'},'Location','southeast')
% Create ylabel
ylabel('Probability of Correct Response','FontSize',24,...
'FontName','Times New Roman');
% Create xlabel
xlabel({'Trial Number'},'FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');
% Defines participant learning rate standard error for each condition
allsubs_cond0_stderr = std(allsubs_p_correct_hist_cond0)./sqrt(length(allsubs_p_correct_hist_cond0));
allsubs_cond1_stderr = std(allsubs_p_correct_hist_cond1)./sqrt(length(allsubs_p_correct_hist_cond1));
%Transposes learning curve dimensions to compute error bars(changes 120x40
%to 40x120)
allsubs_response_cond0_trials = allsubs_response_cond0_trials';
allsubs_response_cond1_trials = allsubs_response_cond1_trials';
% Creates errorbars interval at every 10 trials along the x-axis from 10 to
% 120
eb_interval = 10:10:120;
% Creates point on y-axis along data to plot error bars. My intention here
% is to take the mean probability of correct of all 40 participants at each
% desired interval point.
y = mean((allsubs_response_cond0_trials(:,eb_interval)));
% Plots error bars
errorbar(y, eb_interval, allsubs_cond0_stderr)
%Formats current axis and current figure
set(gca, 'FontSize', 18, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
set(gcf, 'Color', 'w')
  2 Kommentare
Star Strider
Star Strider am 15 Aug. 2021
The problem is that ‘allsubs_cond0_stderr’ is (1x40) and the other vectors in the errorbar call are (1x12). The other problem is that ‘eb_interval’ won’t work as an index into it (and similar vectors ) because they go from 10 to 120 in steps of 10, exceeding the size of the vector.
I am not certain what you are doing. All I can find is that (with synthetic matrices for ‘allsubs_response_cond0_trials’ and ‘allsubs_response_cond1_trials’) the vector lengths do not match, and I am at a loss as to how to make them match. There are also msssing variables.
Perhaps with the missing variables and actual data, this problem could be solved.
Ryan Gallagher
Ryan Gallagher am 15 Aug. 2021
This is a screen shot of the .mat file that is loaded in the beginning of the script. For clarification, "allsubs_response_cond0_trials" is the probability of correct for 120 trials and all 40 participants. The other variable you reference "allsubs_cond0_stderr" is the singular value representing the standard error calculated for each condition.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Shanmukha Voggu
Shanmukha Voggu am 3 Sep. 2021
Hi Ryan,
The error is due to the third argument of the errorbar function is not of the same size as the first argument.
The third argument allsubs_cond0_stderr is a constant and the first argument y is [1 x 12] matrix.
A possible fix that will resolve the error is to make the allsubs_cond0_stderr as [1 x 12] matrix (changing constant to matrix that has each and every value equal to constant)
% Plots error bars
allsubs_cond0_stderr=allsubs_cond0_stderr(ones(size(y)));% add this line above the errorbar function
errorbar(y, eb_interval, allsubs_cond0_stderr);
Refer to this for more information.

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