Set points that matches with a vector as NaN

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Philippe Corner
Philippe Corner am 12 Aug. 2021
Kommentiert: Philippe Corner am 17 Aug. 2021
scatter3(cy(:,1),cy(:,2),cy(:,3),10,'k','filled');hold on
whos cy
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes cy 46057x4 1473824 double
cy is a 4 columns matrix, I would like to set all the values of cy(:,4) that matches with the positiones above top vector and below bot vector as NaN values.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Dave B
Dave B am 12 Aug. 2021
In this particular case, because they all have the same y value, you can do this quite easily with interp:
scatter3(cy(:,1),cy(:,2),cy(:,3),10,'k','filled');hold on
ind = cy(:,4) < interp1(bot(:,1),bot(:,3),cy(:,1)) | ...
cy(:,4) > interp1(top(:,1),top(:,3),cy(:,1));
cy(ind,4) = nan;
scatter3(cy(:,1),cy(:,2),cy(:,4),10,'m','filled');hold on
  6 Kommentare
Philippe Corner
Philippe Corner am 12 Aug. 2021
Thank you very much for your help. And this approah using interp1 is very interesting idea to solve this task.
Best wishes!
Philippe Corner
Philippe Corner am 17 Aug. 2021
Hi Dave, this quiestion is very similar tham this one, but im confused about how to use it for all X, Y, Z positons. If you can give a hand it would be highly appreciated!

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