Thank you for your suggestions, Matt J and Walter Roberson. I think I need to detail my question. I was actually going to convert my codes to a parallel version running on multiple computers so that the the efficiency could be dramatically enhanced.
My codes are about solving a pair of differential equations (the Brusselator model), in other words, 2D gird-simulation in high resolution.
% Simulate 2D Brusselator model by Euler algorithm
clear;clc;close all
a = 5;
b = 19;
Dx = 5;
Dy = 40;
time_end = 150; % length of simulation, in sec
%%dimensions for the full-resolution grid
[Nx Ny] = deal(60); % no. of sampling points along each axis
[Lx Ly] = deal(60); % square cortex (cm)
[dx dy] = deal(Lx/Nx, Ly/Ny); % spatial resolution (cm)
%%time resolution and time-base
dt = 1*1e-3; % Nx = Ny = 60; D2 = 1.0 cm^2
Nsteps = round(time_end/dt)
%%3x3 Laplacian matrix (used in grid convolution calculations)
Laplacian = [0 1 0; 1 -4 1; 0 1 0];
%%set up storage vectors and grids
[U_grid V_grid] = deal(0.001*randn(Nx, Ny));
% save UV_inis U_grid V_grid
U0 = a; V0 = b/a;
% initialize the grids at steady-state values
[U_grid V_grid] = deal(U0 + U_grid, V0 + V_grid);
% diffusion multipliers (depend on step size)
Dx = Dx/dx^2;
Dy = Dy/dx^2;
stride2 = 100; % iterations per screen update
time = [0:Nsteps-1]'*dt; % timebase
ii = 1;
for i = 1: Nsteps
U_grid = U_grid + dt*(a-(b+1)*U_grid + U_grid.^2.*V_grid + ...
Dx*convolve2(U_grid, Laplacian, 'wrap'));
V_grid = V_grid + dt*(b*U_grid - U_grid.^2.*V_grid + ...
Dy*convolve2(V_grid, Laplacian, 'wrap'));
if (mod(i, stride2) == 1 || i == Nsteps)
mesh(x, y, U_grid);
U_save(:,:, ii) = U_grid;
ii = ii + 1;
In the codes, "U_save" is the final results I want to have. If the "Nx" and "Ny" are set to 300, meaning high resolution, the computing speed will be very slow.
I have Parallel Computing Toolbox and Distributed Computing Toolbox. May I have your suggestions for an efficient calculation? Many thanks