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Norminv in Matlab 2012

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Martin am 2 Okt. 2013
Kommentiert: Torsten am 1 Jul. 2016
Is there an equivalent of norminv for Matlab 2012? It doesn't seem to work in this version. I just need the inverse of the "basic" normal distribution (parameters 0 and 1).
EDIT: the statistical toolbox (and not Matlab 2012) seems to be responsible for this. The question still holds though, is there such a function outside this toolbox?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford am 2 Okt. 2013
You can use matlab's 'erfinv' function to calculate the equivalent of 'norminv' according to the formula:
norminv(p) = sqrt(2)*erfinv(2*p-1)
  2 Kommentare
Joseph Schmidt
Joseph Schmidt am 30 Jun. 2016
How would you readjust this for a stan. dev. other than 1? Say a stan. dev. of .5 units.
Torsten am 1 Jul. 2016
f(p) = mu + sqrt(2)*sigma*erfinv(2*p-1)
is the inverse CDF of the general normal distribution N(mu,sigma^2).
Best wishes

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Martin am 2 Okt. 2013
Brilliant, thanks!

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