How can I read a ".dat" and ".hea" file in to MATLAB?

164 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
DRISHYA S KUMAR P N am 4 Jul. 2021
Kommentiert: Michelle Gee am 1 Dez. 2024
Currently i am working on project which use Photo Plythismo Graph (ppg). But the data is in .dat and .hea format.
I am looking a code to get a visualize view of these PPG.
If anyone have any idea about this please add a comment on this post. Your help would be greatly appreciate and it really help my project.
  5 Kommentare
Levan am 27 Nov. 2024
@Michelle Gee could you maybe also help me with Physionet?
Is there a chance that the wget corrupts the .hea format?
Is there a limit how much data can be downloaded in one go? Should the folders be partitioned? Is there a more secure method of downloading said data?
So does rdsamp ignore the portion? And if files had multiple sub-folders, would a for loop where they are being interchange work or do I need to name them one at a time? and for instance if the code is on dekstop while is in another folder, would it still work or do they have to be in the space workspace?
Michelle Gee
Michelle Gee am 1 Dez. 2024
Hi Levan,
I was using this data set ( and did not notice any issues with corrupted .hea files.
I was able to work with about 5 patient files at a time, but I'm guessing that is mostly a function of the computer you're using. I did not partition the folders and have not looked into more secure methods of downloading the data.
I think rdsamp just has the portion built into the function. You don't need to have the files on your local machine because rdsamp pulls them from the website. Sorry I can' t be of more help, but I didn't try any of the things you're asking about since the dataset I was interested in does not have subfolders.

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Antworten (2)

Andrea Nemcova
Andrea Nemcova am 7 Sep. 2021
I am one of the authors of this database and I am glad you chose the BUT PPG database for your research. May I ask you what is your research dealing with?
More information about the database is included in this brand new article: .
The data are in standard WFDB format (very common on Physionet). This format (including .dat and .hea) can be read using WFDB toolbox .
I hope this helps. If you have any further question, feel free to ask.
Best regards,
Andrea Nemcova

Monika Jaskolka
Monika Jaskolka am 4 Jul. 2021
To import dat files I use the mdfimport tool found on the Matab File Exchange


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