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Using gensim for dlnetwork

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
nikhil singh
nikhil singh am 1 Jul. 2021
Beantwortet: Ayush Anand am 24 Mai 2024
How can I use a gensim functionality for a dlnetwork. I need a simulink block corresposding to the dlnetwork object?

Antworten (1)

Ayush Anand
Ayush Anand am 24 Mai 2024
The gensim function in MATLAB is typically used to generate a Simulink model from a Simulink Control Design linear model (say, models created with the Linear Analysis Tool). However, for integrating a deep learning model dlnetwork into Simulink, gensim isn't directly applicable because dlnetwork objects are not linear models and don't directly convert into Simulink models through gensim.
To integrate a dlnetwork object block into Simulink, the approach would be to define the dlnetwork object in a MATLAB function block that takes inputs compatible with your dlnetwork, performs a forward pass (using predict or forward), and returns the output. You can also refer to this answer on how to use dlnetwork from MATLAB in Simulink:


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