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Parfor error - Error in ==> parallel_f​unction>ma​ke_general​_channel/c​hannel_gen​eral at 894 Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
I have the following code:
windows = {'None';'k3';'k5';'k7';'k9';'k11';'k13';'k15';'k17';'k19'};
str2 = '\Results\PPT'; str3 = '\Results\Response'; str4 = 'MLR_4_';
matlabpool open 4
parfor class = 1:size(classes,1)
for window = 1:size(windows,1)
str_windows = strcat(windows{window,1},'_*');
cd (strcat(str1,classes{class,1},str2));
pre_list = struct([]); file_list = cell(zeros);
pre_list = dir(str_windows); file_list = {}';
cd (strcat(str1,classes{class,1},str3));
pre_list1 = struct([]); file_list1 = cell(zeros);
pre_list1 = dir('Response_*'); file_list1 = {}';
for list = 3:size(file_list,1)
input4 = file_list{list,1};
in_resp4 = file_list1{list,1};
concat = strcat(str4,input4);
after_concat = regexprep(concat,('.mat'),'');
output4 = after_concat;
cd (strcat(str1,classes{class,1},str2));
Seq_num_prop_calc = cell(zeros);
Seq_num_prop_calc = load(input4);
cd (strcat(str1,classes{class,1},str3));
variables = cell(zeros);
variables = load(in_resp4);
% Multiple Linear Regression
pre_y = 0; pre_x = 0;
pre_y = cell2mat(variables(2:size(variables,1),1:7));
pre_x = cell2mat(Seq_num_prop_calc(2:size(Seq_num_prop_calc,1),5:53));
max_ppt = cell(zeros); count = 1;
for god = 1:size(pre_y,2) % 7 Kf-Ku responses
r_value = cell(zeros); a = 1; x1 = 0; x2 = 0;
y = pre_y(:,god);
for i = 1:size(pre_x,2)
for j = i+1:size(pre_x,2)
for k = j+1:size(pre_x,2)
for l = k+1:size(pre_x,2)
x1 = pre_x(:,i);
x2= pre_x(:,j);
x3 = pre_x(:,k);
x4 = pre_x(:,l);
x = [x1,x2,x3,x4];
x_1 = [x,ones(size(x(:,1)))];
[b, bint, r, rint, stats] = regress(y,x_1);
y_new = b(1)*x1 + b(2)*x2 + b(3)*x3 +b(4)*x4 + b(5);
r_check = corr(y_new,y);
god_response = variables{1,god}; ppt1 = Seq_num_prop_calc{1,i+4}; ppt2 = Seq_num_prop_calc{1,j+4};
ppt3 = Seq_num_prop_calc{1,k+4}; ppt4 = Seq_num_prop_calc{1,l+4};
o = (',');
s = strcat(god_response,o,ppt1,o,ppt2,o,ppt3,o,ppt4);
r_value(a,1) = {s};
r_value(a,2) = {b};
r_value(a,3) = {r_check};
r_value(a,4) = {stats};
a = a+1;
un_score = '_';
class_name = strcat(output4,un_score,god_response);
file_name = output4;
r_value_mat = cell2mat(r_value(:,3));
max_id = find(r_value_mat == max(r_value_mat));
if size(max_id,1) == 1
max_ppt(count,1) = {class_name};
max_ppt(count+1,2:5) = r_value(max_id,1:4);
count = size(max_ppt,1) + 1;
elseif size(max_id,1) > 1
max_ppt(count,1) = {class_name};
max_ppt(count+1:size(max_id,1),2:5) = r_value(max_id,1:4);
count = size(max_ppt,1) + 1;
cd (strcat(str1,'MLR\MLR_Results\MLR_4'));
savefunc (file_name, max_ppt, version)
matlabpool close
I am getting the following error:
??? Error using ==> parallel_function at 598 Error in ==> parallel_function>make_general_channel/channel_general at 894 Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ==> MLR_4 at 13 parfor class = 1:size(classes,1)

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