Plotting content from structure

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Lukas Netzer
Lukas Netzer am 26 Mai 2021
Kommentiert: Lukas Netzer am 26 Mai 2021
Hey, I am trying to plot values from a structure but somehow am getting Error using startswith.
Here is the code (examplified):
sges.location1 = 1;
sges.location2 = 2;
sges.location3 = 3,
sges.location4 = 4;
sges.location5 = 5;
sh.location1 = 4;
sh.location2 = 1;
sh.location3 = 2,
sh.location4 = 5;
sh.location5 = 3;
w1 = 0.6;
x = [1 2 3 4 5];
bar(x,sges,'FaceColor',[0.2 0.2 0.5])
ax = gca;
ax.YLabel.String = "Distance (km)"
w2 = 0.5;
hold on
bar(x,sh,w2, 'FaceColor',[0 0.7 0.7])
grid on
legend({'sges', 'sh'}, 'Location', 'northwest')
labels = {'Loc1', 'Loc2', 'Loc3', 'Loc4', 'Loc5'};
set(gca, 'xtick', 1:5, 'XTickLabels', labels);
What am I doing wrong, am I missing something?

Akzeptierte Antwort

VBBV am 26 Mai 2021
sges.location1 = 1;
sges.location2 = 2;
sges.location3 = 3,
sges = struct with fields:
location1: 1 location2: 2 location3: 3
sges.location4 = 4;
sges.location5 = 5;
sh.location1 = 4;
sh.location2 = 1;
sh.location3 = 2,
sh = struct with fields:
location1: 4 location2: 1 location3: 2
sh.location4 = 5;
sh.location5 = 3;
w1 = 0.6;
x = [1 2 3 4 5];
C = struct2cell(sges)
C = 5×1 cell array
{[1]} {[2]} {[3]} {[4]} {[5]}
cs = cell2mat(C)
cs = 5×1
1 2 3 4 5
H = struct2cell(sh)
H = 5×1 cell array
{[4]} {[1]} {[2]} {[5]} {[3]}
hs = cell2mat(H)
hs = 5×1
4 1 2 5 3
bar(x,cs,'FaceColor',[0.2 0.2 0.5])
ax = gca;
ax.YLabel.String = "Distance (km)"
ax =
Axes with properties: XLim: [-0.2000 6.2000] YLim: [0 5] XScale: 'linear' YScale: 'linear' GridLineStyle: '-' Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150] Units: 'normalized' Show all properties
w2 = 0.5;
hold on
bar(x,hs,w2, 'FaceColor',[0 0.7 0.7])
grid on
legend({'sges', 'sh'}, 'Location', 'northwest')
labels = {'Loc1', 'Loc2', 'Loc3', 'Loc4', 'Loc5'};
set(gca, 'xtick', 1:5, 'XTickLabels', labels);
Use struct2cell and cell2mat for converting the struct array to double

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