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use char in App Designer checkBox

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
TheDice am 16 Apr. 2021
Beantwortet: Monisha Nalluru am 19 Apr. 2021
Hi is it possible to use a char, like char(9723), for a CheckBox createt with App Designer?
  1 Kommentar
Rik am 16 Apr. 2021
You can probably paste in the symbol you want, or set the String property after you created the object.

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Monisha Nalluru
Monisha Nalluru am 19 Apr. 2021
Use Text property of uicheckbox inorder to display the requested character.
As an example
app.CheckBox_2.Text = char(9723);
You can also paste the symbol in inspector of app designer for uicheckbox.


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