How to reduce the time of solving the lengthy piecewise terms

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Hi experts,
I am trying to plot the derived analytical solution, however, when the triple summation terms is >10, the compute time seems could not finished up summing.
I have attached the .m files.
Any advise to further simplified the solving method ?
The triple summation terms start from C5 to C13.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 4 Apr. 2021
On my system, the following version takes approximately 300 seconds in total.
syms n M N y real
assume([n M N y] >= 0);
Y = 0:0.02:1;
b =10; t=1; br=1; Pr=1;
%t = t*/pr
C1=((1-(-1).^n)./(2.*n.*pi)).*((1-exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t ))./(n.*pi).^2 +((n.*pi).^2.*exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t)-((n.*pi).^2.*cos(2.*b.*Pr.*t))-(2.*b.*Pr.*sin(2.*b.*Pr.*t)))./((4.*b.^2.*Pr.^2)+(n.*pi).^4 ));
T = subs( sum( subs( 2.*br.*C1.*sin(n.*pi.*y), n, 1:20 )), y, Y );
Tn = double(T);
C2=(((M.*pi).^2./((8.*b.^2.*Pr.^2)+2.*(n.*pi).^4)).*( (2.*b.*Pr.*exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t))+((n.*pi).^2.*sin(2.*b.*Pr.*t))- (2.*b.*Pr.*cos(2.*b.*Pr.*t))));
C3=-((b./((8.*(n.*pi).^2.*b.^2.*Pr.^2)+ (2.*(n.*pi)^6))).*( (4.*b.^2.*Pr.^2.*exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t))+ (2.*b.*Pr.*(n.*pi).^2.*sin(2.*b.*Pr.*t))+((n.*pi).^4.*cos(2.*b.*Pr.*t))-(4.*b.^2.*Pr.^2)-(n.*pi).^4 ));
C4=(((M.*pi).^2./(Pr.^2.*((M.*pi).^4+ b.^2 ))).* ( (b.*Pr.*exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t))- exp(-(M.*pi).^2.*Pr.*t).*((((M.*pi).^2.*Pr-(n.*pi).^2).*sin(b.*Pr.*t))+ (b.*Pr.*cos(b.*Pr.*t)) )));
A = (2.*b./(b.^2+(M.*pi).^4)).* (((1-cos((n+M).*pi))./((n+M).*pi)) + ((1-cos((n-M).*pi))./((n-M).*pi))).*(C2+C3+C4).*sin(n.*pi.*y);
Az = piecewise( n == M , 0, A );
T1 = subs( sum( subs( sum( subs( 2.*br.*Az, n, 1:20 )), M, 1:20)), y, Y);
T1n = double(T1);
C5=(((M.*N.*pi.^2 ).^2./((8.*b.^2.*Pr.^2.*(n.*pi).^2 )+ (2.*(n.*pi).^6))).*((2.*b.*Pr.*(n.*pi).^2.*sin(2.*b.*Pr.*t))+((n.*pi).^4.*cos(2.*b.*Pr.*t))+(4.*b.^2.*Pr.^2)+(n.*pi).^4-(exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t).*((4.*b.^2.*Pr.^2)+ (2.*(n.*pi).^4) ))));
C6=(((b.*(M.*pi).^2)./((8.*b.^2.*Pr.^2)+ (2.*(n.*pi).^4))).*(((n.*pi).^2.*sin(2.*b.*Pr.*t))- (2.*b.*Pr.*cos(2.*b.*Pr.*t))+ (2.*b.*Pr.*exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t))));
C7= -(((M.*N.*pi.^2 ).^2./((Pr.^2.*((N.*pi).^4 + b.^2 ))- (2.*Pr.*(N.*n.*pi.^2).^2) +(n.*pi).^4)).* ((exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t).*(Pr.*(N.*pi).^2-(n.*pi).^2))+ (exp(-(N.*pi).^2.*Pr.*t).*(b.*Pr.*sin(b.*Pr.*t)+(((n.*pi).^2- (Pr.*(N.*pi).^2)).*cos(b.*Pr.*t))))));
C8=(((b.*(N./pi).^2)./((8.*b.^2.*Pr.^2)+(2.*(n.*pi).^4))).*(((n.*pi).^2.*sin(2.*b.*Pr.*t))-(2.*b.*Pr.*cos(2.*b.*Pr.*t))+ (2.*b.*Pr.*exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t)) ));
C9=(((b.^2)./((8.*b.^2.*Pr.^2.*(n.*pi).^2)+(2.*(n.*pi).^6))).*((4.*b.^2.*Pr.^2)+((n.*pi).^4)- (2.*b.*Pr.*(n.*pi).^2.*sin(2.*b.*Pr.*t))-((n.*pi).^4.*cos(2.*b.*Pr.*t))- (4.*b.^2.*Pr.^2 .*exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t)) ));
C10=(((b.*(N.*pi).^2)./((Pr.^2.*((N.*pi).^4+ b.^2 ))- (2.*Pr.*(N.*n.*pi.^2).^2)+(n.*pi).^4 )).*((exp(-(N.*pi).^2.*Pr.*t).*((((Pr.*(N.*pi).^2)-(n.*pi).^2).*sin(b.*Pr.*t))+ (b.*Pr.*cos(b.*Pr.*t))))- (b.*Pr.*exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t)) ));
C11=-(((M.*N.*pi.^2 ).^2./((Pr.^2.*((M.*pi).^4+ b.^2 ))- (2.*Pr.*(M.*n.*pi.^2).^2)+(n.*pi).^4 )).*((exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t).*((Pr.*(M.*pi).^2)-(n.*pi).^2))+ (exp(-(M.*pi).^2.*Pr.*t).*((b.*Pr.*sin(b.*Pr.*t))+(((n.*pi).^2- (Pr.*(M.*pi).^2)).*cos(b.*Pr.*t))))) );
C12=(((b.*(M.*pi).^2)./((Pr.^2.*((M.*pi).^4 + b.^2))- (2.*Pr.*(M.*n.*pi.^2).^2)+(n.*pi).^4)).*(exp(-(M.*pi).^2.*Pr.*t).*((((Pr.*(M.*pi).^2)-(n.*pi).^2).*sin(b.*Pr.*t))+ (b.*Pr.*cos(b.*Pr.*t)))- (b.*Pr.*exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t)) ));
C13=(((M.*N.*pi.^2).^2./(pi.^2.*((Pr.*(M.^2+N.^2))-n.^2 ))) .*(exp(-(n.*pi).^2.*t)- (exp(-(M.*pi).^2.*Pr.*t).*exp(-(N.*pi).^2.*Pr.*t)) ));
B = (b.^2./(((b.^2)+(M.*pi).^4).*((b.^2)+(N.*pi).^4))).*( ((1-cos((n+M+N).*pi))./((n+M+N).*pi)) + ((1-cos((n-M-N).*pi))./((n-M-N).*pi)) + ((1-cos((n+M-N).*pi))./((n+M-N).*pi)) + ((1-cos((n-M+N).*pi))./((n-M+N).*pi))).*(C5+C6+C7+C8+C9+C10+C11+C12+C13).*sin(n.*pi.*y);
Bz = piecewise( n-M-N == 0 | n+M-N == 0 | n-M+N == 0 | Pr.*(M.^2+N.^2)== n.^2 | Pr.^2.*((M.*pi).^4 + b.^2)== (2.*Pr.*(M.*n.*pi.^2).^2)-(n.*pi).^4 | Pr.^2.*((N.*pi).^4+ b.^2 )== (2.*Pr.*(N.*n.*pi.^2).^2)-(n.*pi).^4 , 0, B );
%T2 = subs( sum( subs( sum( subs( sum( subs( 2.*br.*Bz, n, 1:20) ), M, 1:20 ) ), N, 1:20 ) ), y, Y );
[ng, Mg, Ng] = ndgrid(1:20);
T2a = subs( 2.*br.*Bz, {n,M,N}, {ng, Mg, Ng});
T2b = sum(T2a(:));
T2 = subs(T2b, y, Y);
T2n = double(T2);
SumT = table(Y(:),Tn(:), T1n(:), T2n(:),T3n(:), 'VariableNames', {'y','T', 'T1', 'T2','SumT'});
  3 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 5 Apr. 2021
You are correct. Your code was substituting in 1:20 on one dimension, taking the sum(), substituting in 1:20 on a different dimension, taking the sum, substituing in 1:20 on a third dimension, and taking the sum. It turns out that taking the sum even once is really time consuming. So I substitute in a 3D grid of n, M, N values, which gives enough information to resolve each of the piecewise values, resulting in 0 being put in place for some of the locations, and resulting in something that is not piecewise() being put in place for the remaining locations. Then when you sum() those, you are not adding anything piecewise, which saves a lot of time, because when you add piecewise, MATLAB wants to create one larger piecewise() instead of leaving it as the sum of two piecewise()
Chee Hao Hor
Chee Hao Hor am 6 Apr. 2021
Dear Walter,
Thanks for the explaination, now I understand the concept.
Have a good day ! :)

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