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How can I create(form) an image from a M by N matrix?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Madhavareddy kota
Madhavareddy kota am 7 Mai 2013
I have an M by N (50by1) received signal Matrix and I wanna form an image pixel by pixel or element by element.Which means i need to divide this matrix into sub element or pixel and make an image.Here I am working on Global Back Projection method for UWB radar (synthetic aperture).Can any one suggest me how to from an image?.Please help me.THANKING YOU.

Akzeptierte Antwort

David Sanchez
David Sanchez am 7 Mai 2013
Try image command:
a=[1 202 30;131 40 255;0 100 250];
Help image will tell you more about its use

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